[Whole30 Diet] Day 19 - Amazing Juice

in #life8 years ago

I was pumped to use the cauliflower I'd riced the night before for breakfast. I didn't feel super great after eating it though and I felt a little bloated the night before when I made it as well. I hate to think that this amazing rice-iflour idea is off the table for me. I'll try it one more time before I decide that it's an actual issue.

Cauliflower sauteed in ghee and garlic, avocado, fried eggs in ghee.

I debate myself daily over drinking coffee or not. I suspect I have thyroid issues and have an appointment in two days to begin the process toward testing. I needed something to give me umph though so I decided to pull out the juicer.

In the end I used a combination of oranges and clemintines with a half teaspoon each of fresh grated ginger and tumeric.

The flavor reminded me of Peru. It was absolutely bursting with delicious. Definitely repeating this.

Lunch was leftover salad and chicken from the night before. Easy peasy and so good I didn't even use any dressing.

Early dinner was more leftover chicken and sauteed mushrooms and onions in ghee with avocado on the side. The baby has seen me eating stuff like this enough that she's teaching herself to like onions and other sauteed veggies. WIN

We all went our separate ways to gymnastics or the YMCA and met up after at Wholefoods. I almost forgot to take a picture of what I got from the dinner bar.

Roasted chicken, broccoli and red peppers. All Whole30 approved.

I forgot to mention that I did actually have a cup of coffee after all. After a short nap with the baby in the afternoon, I couldn't resist and it was amazing. This is usually when the high energy of a whole30 diet should have kicked in. I was in a nice mood today but I'm not certain that I would consider myself high energy, which is why I think there is more going on in my body than good food alone can address. I'm looking forward to getting some tests done to validate or invalidate these suspicions.

Onward to day 20!


Looks like that last chicken has a bite missing ;)

It looks like your breakfast is the same every day? Don't you ever get tired of that?

Anyway, if you're looking for an idea for cauliflower that is absolutely amazing...

Cut it into approximately 1-inch florets/pieces, lightly coat or drizzle with olive oil (if you can use that), and sprinkle with light salt and pepper, and a generous sprinkle of garlic powder. Blast it on high heat in the oven, 450-475 F, for about 25-30 minutes.

It comes out tasting like candy! My wife hates cauliflower and broccoli, but she'd eat an entire head of this by herself if I didn't get to it first.

I eat a lot of the same things for breakfast (and lunch) every day because they are convenient. I'm not totally sick of it yet but I might get there soon.

I'll try your cauliflower idea! Thanks!!

You're welcome! I expect to see a post about it tomorrow!

OK, that might be too soon...maybe by the end of the week?

Here's to remembering more cauliflower next time I go to the store!

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