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RE: Chick-fil-A Rejected From San Antonio Airport

in #life6 years ago

From a Christian prospective, there are some things we can't TOLERATE, meaning, partake in, be party to, endorse, encourage, or enable.

But we're also not to hate people for their sin, because we're all just as guilty.

None of this hinders us from employing people or feeding them. The owner, while I'm positive has his own flaws, seems very principled.

Matthew 7:
...You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

Despite all the hate the man gets, I think he's setting a good example for other Christians and non Christians alike.

Now, all joking aside.....




Luckily, you don't have to endorse or support someone's actions personally, in order to support their freedom to choose for themselves to engage in those actions. For example, you might be against criminalizing drug use, prostitution, and gambling, but that doesn't mean that you engage in or support those activities yourself. You might have never gambled or touched a joint in your life etc, but you can still choose not to stand in the way of others exercising their free will and making that choice. Getting a central mob involved to extend that preference onto others via government, regardless of what side left or right the preferences are coming from, just makes things messy. There's never a need to use force to try and avoid "partaking" in what one person might find offensive and another might not. And it sure gets confusing when those who claim to be pushing toward a higher ideal are frequently seen acting in revenge or speaking out of hate, just doesn't seem to fit with the message? 👍

You're absolutely right! That's exactly what the Bible teaches. Sad thing is most people, including christians, haven't bothered to get a deep enough understanding of scripture to understand that.

It doesn't matter if you come to it from a theological world view or a secular one. The fact remains that voluntaryism is one of the most simple, and important moral principals.


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