Ms. Sue, Ms Ester and Ms. Ester's Garden. Lessons in Humanity PART 1

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Ms. Ester was bred, born and raised on a farm.

She grew up surrounded by plants and animals spending much of her time caring for them. Planting seeds and watching them grow was one of her favorite things to do. It was not long before she had a very green thumb. As an old woman, Ms Ester, for health reasons, was forced to move into the city; not much land for planting. Missing her plants to the point of severe depression, Ms. Ester quickly learned to grow her flowers, herbs, and vegetables in pots. Her house and window boxes quickly became the talk of her neighborhood.

Ms Sue was bred born and raised in the city.

She lived next door to Ms. Ester. Ms. Sue did not have a green thumb. She did not like plants, animals, or people. Ms. Sue was very jealous of Ms. Ester's garden, Ms. Ester, and all the attention Ms Ester received from neighbors. Ms. Sue, overcome with jealousy, started to form a plan.


Ms. Ester's garden had grown to the point of overflowing onto her front porch and into the ground surrounding the large oak tree the city had planted in front of her door. Ms. Sue had no window boxes, porch plants, or flowers in the soil surrounding the tree outside her own front door, even though Ms. Ester tried to share her excess plants and cuttings.

Being so good with growing and so knowledgeable of farming techniques, Ms. Ester was asked to conduct classes on said subjects at the local community center. She invited Ms. Sue to accompany her and join in with the neighborhood. Ms. Sue refused; she had plans to finalize.

Ms. Sue began a campaign

to end the gardening endeavors of Ms. Ester. Ms. Sue knew how important gardening was to Ms. Ester and knew that taking that away would be most painful to Ms. Ester. Pain, especially inflicting it upon others, Ms. Sue did like. She enlisted the aid of some "friends" and together they began to complain to the city about Ms. Ester and her plants. At first they were not successful as Ms Ester had become beloved by the neighborhood. But as Ms. Sue and her cohorts knew, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. So they simply continued to complain to any and all who would listen.

City government, tired of Ms. Sue's constant complaints, eventually gave in passing an ordinance forbidding potted plants on steps, landings, and porches within city limits, claiming they were ugly and dangerous posing a potential hazard to emergency services and residents trying to gain access to the building. People were warned to remove their plants within a certain amount of time or the city would come by and take them and fine owners.


Part 2 comes out shortly! Stay tuned for more Lessons in Hummanity.

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