We are One : How we are all connected.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemit community.

I come to you today with some ideas I have been entertaining for years.

I wish to share them with you in hopes of stimulating and accelerating thought patterns that have the potential to make a positive impact on the environment you inhabit.

One of these ideas of mine is that WE ARE ONE. We are all connected.

Now what does that exactly mean?

Well I am here to tell you what I think it means(with all metaphysics aside).


YES! I said it.

Mother Earth has been flying around in space with complex ecosystems for billions of years. It has been thriving with biodiversity long before we human came along.

How does Nature do this?

It is from my experience that Nature is able to thrive because of its interconnected biodiversity.

INTERCONNECTED BIODIVERSITY is the beautiful symphony of life. 

It is the interdependent relationships that lifeforms have created in order to co-exist with one another in harmony. Let's take the Soil Sciences for example: 

What actually happens when a dry leaf hits the ground on a cool autumn morning?

After a few days of being weathered we see the chemical compounds in the leaf (that normally repel insects from consuming it) start to fade away. It is not until the leaf is touching the ground with moisture and washed of its bitter tasting compounds, do we see some activity.


The first that come running to the table are the bacteria that have been dormant on the surface of the leaf. The leaf has long chains of sugar molecules, in which the bacteria release enzymes to break down. Black spots of bacterial civilizations appear on the leaf in a matter of hours.

 Fungi flies in from wind-borne spores that land on the leaf and explode with white threads called hyphae that spread and weave along the leaf. Fungi is essential to this process because he has the ability to digest strong molecules chains called lignin (what makes wood so tough). These lifeforms are considered primary decomposers.

Once the leaf is moist and soft from the rain and microorganisms, it then becomes palatable for larger lifeforms like Isopods, mites, worms, millipedes, fly larvae, etc(secondary decomposers). 

After that, these secondary decomposers are eaten by the tertiary decomposers. Which are beetles, spider, ants, and predatory mites to name a few.

 Also something very important is created from the combined elements of the primary decomposers and the waste of the secondary decomposers. 

This AMAZING SUBSTANCE is called…. 


Humus is pretty much the end of the road for organic matter, and because of its ability to attract minerals in its atomic makeup, it is the ideal plant food.

These plants and insects are then consumed by bigger animals. Thus the cycle of life continues to connect creature’s outputs with their inputs.

From the Micro to the Macro, we DEPEND on the FUNCTIONS of other elements to supply what we need to survive. Rather we accept it or deny it. This is the truth, and it is about time we all give it the respect it deserves. 

There is yet another example of this inter connectivity that can be found in the experiments of Ren Sen Zeng of South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou. His team found that when plants are attacked by harmful fungi, they release chemical signals into the mycelia (fungal roots) that warn their neighbors. 

They took two tomato plants and planted them in the same soil, but isolating them up top with plastic bags. They let the fungal roots develop before they sprayed one of the plants with Alternaria solani (a fungus that causes early blight disease). After 65 hours they sprayed the second plant, resulting in the second plant resisting infection or having less damage when infected, but only in the plants that had the mycelia networks.


We now understand that nature is far more intelligent than we ever gave it credit for.

Nature has what is now being called the “wood wide web”.

It feels like this is coming straight from the hit 2009 movie by James Cameron, Avatar! With all life being connected. Well done Mr. Cameron!

I believe we are totally dependent on these realities taking place. In my opinion we must realize how valuable these interaction between elements are, in order to live a more sustainable lifestyle. This is a CRUCIAL step towards a abundant future.


I believe I am satisfied with my rant.

Thank you for listening to me ramble.

May you be showered with love!













I followed an interesting MOOC last year : social psychology from the westleyan university on coursera. with a test : A teacher is eating an apple, there is a chronometer and you must stop the time when you think the apple is part of the body of the teacher !

Thats is a very interesting MOOC indeed!! Thank you for sharing!

It is amazing how interconnected things are. We are always discovering new interconnections as well and there is so much that I feel we don't even have a clue about. It is a wonderful thing to be able to share all these things - thank you for posting.

Absolutely, I believe we have only scratched the surface on what is actually going on in nature. Thank you for your support.

You ar doing so well!! So proud of you!

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