A little Bird called Hope

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Hope has a fragile personality, a delicate character.

This ring was one of my first jewelry pieces, that I have created years ago. A tiny little ring, made of real dried moss, collected in my garden and brass. I stamped out a mini bird and connected it to the ring, then placed my moss under the glass cover stone.


When I started years ago with my upcycling art, I had a hard time.

I quit my job in the hospitality and design industry, without even thinking about the consequences. I had been quite successful as an interior designer before. I designed hotels and real estate projects worldwide, had to deal with investors, hotel operators, property owners.

One day I realized, that I was more into discussions about budgets - all day long - than creating inspiring interiors. All this money and budget stuff were eating up my energy, my creativity ... me! Like a water drop, that shapes a stone, I lost my passion. Little by little. Day by day. I ended up with one question. Whether losing me or my source of income.

I quit.


Shortly after I quit, I was informed, that my father was suffering from cancer.

I needed to focus on what I love, to survive. I became aware, that what I enjoyed most in my life, will support me best in this situation. My creativity. I went to the basement of our house, collected all sorts of old stuff and started to play around with it. The more I worked on my upcycling projects, the more I felt alive again.

This is one of my first pieces. I named it "the little bird of hope".


When I went out afterward and saw a bird sitting on a branch I said, "Hey little bird of hope, there you are! After a while, I called every bird "hope". From day to day I saw more birds, they were everywhere, all around me.

I put my passion into many different upcycling jewelry pieces and sold them on local craft markets.

This ring is for sure very special for me. Since the day I made it, I see hope everywhere.

Every time I see a bird, there is hope. I feel hope. And I am thankful. Thankful that the little brass bird has helped to change my life.

Hope is never gone, like the birds in the sky flying above you. Hope has maybe a delicate character and a fragile personality, but the hope is there. Always.

Today I do what I love most. Create!


Thank you very much for reading!


Sources: bird pictures and line freepik premium - jewelry pictures and life @anutu


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I want to cry tears of joy reading this. What an absolutely beautiful testament to hope! and I can hear you - just going outside and saying "Oh there you are!' hehehehehe I love it - and I love your heart! :)

and the moss jewelry that you make - i think it is so beautiful!!!!!!!! SO SO SO beautiful!

so unique, i have NEVER seen anyone make these before! But they're absolutely exquisite! I loved the upcycled moss watch that you made in the past post too! Do you wear these pieces often?

How do you keep the moss alive? Do you need to open it and spritz with water???

So so happy you like it. Still today, when I watch the birds, may it be a little one or bigger, I remember this moment, when I made the ring and this time in my life. Watching the birds tells me every day, hope is there, is never gone...

Yeahh, it takes a lot of time to put the little moss under the glass. The glass has only a diameter of 6mm which is around 0.23 inches... Some first thought it's a print as it is so so tiny, but it is not of course. Don;t think anyone was so crazy before to put such tiny moss under this little glass :)

Sure I wear them ... only problem ... I just have two arms only :) Made so many ....

I first dry with a special oven I use also for drying fruits. The moss keeps the colour for ever ... so far I can say ... so for many many many years. Never faded, it's so happy to be loved every day, I think. No need to water it, but if water gets under the glass (I had this some times) it seems it likes water very much anyway <3


You create really beautiful pieces!

Doing what we love surely makes us feel more alive! And I am glad that that beautiful piece you created inspired you so much! Indeed, just like how birds are all around flying in the sky, hope will always be there...

This is so kind of you, thank you very much! Yes, it took a while to get there for me, but I think it's so important to take decisions. Even if we don't know what is coming next, or how to have an income then ... hope is everywhere, always ...

Oh yes, it is! It is quite hard for us to take decisions when we are not sure of the results our actions will produce but then, not taking decisions will only keep us stuck at one point for far too long and most times not happy with ourselves.

Once we are sure of what we want, we should make the decision to go after it

Absolutely, life is change. So often we are afraid of changes and often it is not easy to cope with changes.
I think we have to accept that many things in our life will not stay forever as they are in the moment.
Thank you for your valuable thoughts, agree 100%.

That's so true! Change is constant and is most times a sign of growth. It never is easy to deal with it, but we really should learn to accept changes and face them instead of running away because we will have to deal with sooner or later..

Thanks to you too!!

Yes, I think it is also again acceptance is maybe one of the keys for letting the changes in life happen. So true, running away from changes in life seems to make no sense.

Yeah, it really doesn't make any sense!

you are extremely talented. It is all so lovely. I also enjoy your writing style and your presentation skills. Nice job!

Oh thank you so much for your kindness, I always humble with words in such situations ... I am happy that you enjoyed it and my work may be inspired you. Have a splendorous week!

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