Have you seen GOD lately?

in #life7 years ago
Last Friday I asked one my my ESL students a simple question. It was "Have you ever seen GOD in person?" He obviously answered me "No". I told my student who attends a Christian Evangelical Church every Sunday morning and who plays with the Church's praise and worship group that many people are not aware of this one but simple truth: No one ever has seen GOD. That does not mean that there is No GOD (or Gods or whatever you believe); my purpose here is not to impose my belief, it is rather to teach a simple truth. You will not see GOD until you open up your eyes and see the truth from another standing point".

I continued to say: "How can a mortal see such a being, who is Divine, Pure, Holy (or whatever outstanding adjective you may want to use to represent what your mind and traditions have taught you, which of course I will never contradict). Some of the religious people may say, "I see GOD when I go to Church" (I was a Youth Pastor in three local Churches at three different times of my life). But that whole concept is wrong. I told my student (and of course the whole classroom) that the way we see GOD is when we see how He answers our prayers. I mean, GOD will not come over to you in person and say "I know you need this or that", Instead, He will use a mortal to cover a need, to share some time, to rejoice with you, to help you when you need it, but sometimes you also need to be left alone in suffering to grow, and overcome pain" .

I kept on lecturing my students: "What I am trying to teach you is that the only way you will see GOD is when you esteem others as better than yourself (that does not mean that you are worthless), I mean if you believe that there is a Superior being, name Him/Her whatever you may name him/her but you do not respect others, then you are worse than those who do not believe in GOD"

I continued telling my students: "Just as Batman answered in the Batman Begins Movie when Rachel asked "Who are you"? (No he did not answer with the classic:"I'm Batman") He answered her saying : "It is our actions that define who we are,not our words". So the next time you name GOD, remember that the manifestation of GOD will almost always be through another mortal being, that is why you are to respect and esteem everybody who is near you and around you, because you do not know when that person will be used as GOD's vessel to teach you". And I concluded saying: " We are here to be an example to everybody, but we will choose what type of example, it may be a good example for others to follow or a bad example for others to see and laugh at, you choose to show GOD or Not"!

Thank you for reading!!!

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