in #life7 years ago (edited)

The myth, the concept of the "public servant" is something most of us have encountered almost our entire lives.

Some people have jobs while other people with jobs are somehow more than just employees or workers.
They are "servants." Its not as though they are doing a job for pay and fringe benefits they are doing it just simply for the sake of serving humankind out of pure benevolence.

School teachers for example in the U.S. are considered by many to fit into such a category.
I have heard my entire life how diffucult a job it is, how much the pay sucks,how much should you make when working less than 180 days per year exactly? How they routinely stay up late after working all day to grade papers work they have created through the assignments they have given. To top it all off "they've got to buy their own supplies!" gasps while clutching pearls and fainting...

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Of course there are a few, very few in my experience, teachers who genuinely have the heart of a servant and the actions to prove it, people who genuinely care deeply about teaching critical thinking skills knowledge and seeing their students thrive. However they Do Receive A Paycheck, right? They did sign up for a job, correct?

The simple title of teacher does not, and should not afford you the automatic title of servant.
Unless you are volunteering your time to teach simply for the sake of spreading knowledge you are an employee of the public sector whose pay and benefits come by way of forceful and coercive confiscation from your fellow man.

Not A Servant.

We can add in prosecutors, public defenders, mayors, aldermen, judges, and a slew of others who we are told are "servants."

The reasoning behind this "servant" propagation is quite simple.

It is a narrative that requires endless repitiiton for anyone to even consider it to be true.

Yet it just couldnt be further from the truth.

If your job involves receiving benefits of from the confiscation of other's goods, you have a position that exists not because people demand it, but because it demands you accept it and demands your respect.

You cannot call yourself a servant

Try not standing up in a courtroom as a judge enters, or adressing them as something other than "your honor" and see where that gets you.

Without the constant propagation of this false narrative of the public servant being repeated over, and over, and over nobody would ever think such a thing, let alone believe and repeat it.

Imagine a plumber who goes around thinking they deserve the title of public servant becasue he routinely has tough work days, has a job essential to the health of the populace, and the abatement of infectious disease while he complains on the internet about having to purchase his own tools, and how he had to do billing and estimates until 8:00-9:00 pm. after he got home from his long hard day out in the field.



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Being libertarian

Duck duck go web search


Could have just said they're all just overpaid bourgeoisie unfireable staff who forgot the taxpayers pay their salaries.

This is the very same reason I never joined the military 'service'. It was not for lack of my parents trying. My father brought the army recruiter to our house.

I planned on including police and military in this write up, but may put it into another category altogether.
Since they have "hero" status they are practically worshipped in the U.S.

Don't get me wrong, I've been considering this for a long time, and I think, this, being the dangerous world that it is, we may need police/military, until the average person gets their 'head in the game'. I just think that 'protection' is too easily turned into an enforcement arm for psychopathic thieves. I do think there needs to be a roll back of the attitudes demonizing self defense as vigilante action. I think every responsible person should open carry, and we should bring back regimented dueling. It would return us to a more courteous society. Can you imagine how much more polite people would be if they had to back up their BS at the risk of life and limb? Internet trolling would dwindle to nothing almost immediately.

To entirely pull the plug on the state system of enforcement and "justice" would cause tremendous suffering IMO.

I think to transition to a stateless society would take multiple generations of transition and deprogramming

I wholeheartedly agree with the fact that people are largely cowards. They will call the police on their neighbor for a loud party because they know people with clubs and guns will show up to shut it down, yet few will try and negotiate with neighbors or peers when it comes to differences.
People have largely handed responsibility of self ownership over to state agencies.

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