Peace of mind

in #life7 years ago


Peace of mind is a bandage solution with what I’m dealing with. I can gain peace of mind easily, but peace of mind is a reply to my fear. So I fear something, then to give myself peace of mind, I’ll do something so I can put that fear to rest, which I’ve done before, in giving myself peace of mind, but it occurs again and again. Fear + acting on fear = peace of mind. Like, the comfort zone. Just ‘knowing’ that all is well. I’ve had huge trouble not going for peace of mind. Even now, it’s soooo tempting to have peace of mind and respond to my fear for peace of mind, but the more I respond to my fear, the more difficult it will become in actual fact, where I will just continue responding to the fear for peace of mind, instead of STOPPING and BREATHING when the fear comes up, along with my self-forgiveness etc, to see that the fear is not valid, it’s a belief, thus to act upon it for peace of mind is to act upon the fear in which I stay compromised. Compromising my physical body for fear to take hold of me.

I commit myself to fight the temptation to respond to a fear, by seeing myself that this is a huge step in regaining direction of my physical self and directing myself physically as opposed to via fears of my mind.

I commit myself not to use justifications and excuses to respond to the fear, even in the SLIGHTEST, I see, realise and understand that there is either a response to the fear in which I act upon and manifest, OR there is a stopping within myself where I do not act upon the fear or respond to it and manifest it, I just stop and continue on with my daily life.

I see, realise and understand that peace of mind is a bandage solution, something but temporary which ‘will’ aid me in that moment, but NOT in the overall picture, the huge picture of the fear itself - to overcome the fear itself or any fear is to breathe through the moments coupled with my writing to get to ultimate form of resolve and solution that is EVERLASTING, that is a permanent cure for myself as the fear.

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