What Makes a Person Interesting and Successful? - A Vision from a LatinoLover

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Even Tho' I Am From Latin America, Even There I Was Called LatinoLover.

But what made me that way and what benefits did that represent to me?

Let's talk about the benefits.

The first and more obvious one is the social acceptance and the leadership role. People tend to see you as a leader and treat you like that with all its advantages.

Women tend to do the same and since the biology tends to translate this in a more sexual way you tend to have a better sexual life as well (Sorry for being so direct and sincere).

It also brings a lot of new experiences to your life and opportunities that rather other people wouldn't have because of a different attitude to it. Strong links are more appreciated than weak ones. This is how most of people (sometimes unconsciously, sometimes conscious) set their preferences when it's about choosing in between one or another. Even tho' I've seen cases where the weak ones where chosen for a matter of pity, but never in business...
...Just in relationships that turned out being toxic in the end.

You will also get more attention, which is amazing for receiving more critiques and care at the moment of working on yourself and your profession. Which successful people (how I like to call them) love to have: critiques,
to get further in their own realization of becoming a better version of themselves.

It is obviously not everything positive about this, because life is not only one thing or another, so what's the down side?...

If it happens to you like it happened to me, you will be way more likely to be a lone wolf with many different packs. Friends today won't stay with you for long and you will constantly see new faces, which is good... but more likely never remain with a single one. Of course there are exceptions, such as I got mine, but indeed there are pretty rare.

You will be envy A LOT. Because people will see all what you are that they are not and they will hate you for that. They will want to be like you but their pride and laziness won't allow them to get out of their comfort zone and realize what they are lacking off.

Maybe it will happen to you like it happened to me, that my whole family envied me and I couldn't even count on them. And still can't.

If there is another leader out there, then you are fucked. Because it will be like two male lions trying to get the pack for themselves. And there will be blood.


What makes you an interesting and successful person?

Certainly there are many things that could make you an interesting and successful one. But I like to point these in such a way that makes this path easy to travel:

1. Be open minded

Being open minded doesn't mean to be a bisexual, or that you would have sex with anyone just because.
It is not even necessarily to sex.

Being open minded means that you can hear other people stories, ideas, points of view and opinions without criticizing them just because you don't agree with that. It means to abstract yourself to the point where you can make an objective point of view from it and advice this person, but only if he/she wants to.

It means that you can be a good receptor and you won't judge others just because you feel umcomfortable with what they say.

It means that you can admire them or support them and their goals even if you don't agree with these.

2. It's about attitude

It may look that the ass with bad attitude and rebel with the system may get the girls and have a really interesting life, right?

Nope... it may work on movies or for those teenagers that watch too many series. But in real life and in order to be part of the system that s not the case.

People will tend to turn to you if you keep a positive attitude to others and to yourself. It will be more likely that you will attract others that see this attitude of yours and want to learn and incorporate it from you.

Congratulations, now they see you as a leader! Although, many will envy you and probably try to make your existence completely miserable.

3. It doesn't matter how bad it is, just enjoy the ride

You may be familiarized with the expression "Carpe Diem", right?

Its meaning is related to enjoy every single piece of time that you got being alive.

This is certainly hard but beautiful, and it happened to me in the past... in a situation where I almost die,
but remained with a positive attitude until the end
. Luckily enough it wasn't the end for me!

This is certainly something more for your own benefit since it will help you to keep your positive attitude with others. That's why I always repeat to myself and to others the following:

"Help first to yourself and then to others"

4. Work on yourself and on your skills

This is super important when it comes to be worthy to the eyes of others. Because your profession is what talks about you. Yes, I am talking about profession and hobby.

When you work on yourself and your ideals you bring a whole new meaning to the worth of your own person.
Because people will see you as an useful link to the whole chain (the system). And it will make you be part of the whole chain that keeps us alive and meaningful as humans.

The more worthy you are, the more you will feel part of it.

We are social animals, we need to be part of something in order to feel that we are worthy and to have happy lives. This is where this whole thing earns its meaning and importance.

You can convince yourself that it doesn't matter what other people think about you and that you don't give any shit about them. But honestly, that's a lie. And you should understand that.

Because something I discovered recently, is that we need to belong to a pack and to have a family in order to survive as social animals that we are.

It is in our DNA. Think about this: you are alone in a desert island where you can survive for as long as you want,
but you are absolutely alone. What's the first thing that comes to your mind by being alone and out of any human interaction?

That you will become crazy, don't you?

That's how important it is for us, humans, to keep the contact between each other.


Be yourself. You don't need to be a latinolover or a successful person, or even interesting. But work on yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Try to get far as the amazing person you deserve to be and as far as you want to get.

Fight for being worthy, fight for deserving yourself =)


(All the pictures are my own shots and therefore I own their rights)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!

I apologize if I don't reply to your message. Sometimes I can't find enough time for it. But you can be sure that I will read it!



You've became rich throught Steemit mostly, or through working as an artist?

Oh I don't feel I am rich regarding to money, I feel I am rich as a person... with worthy values and sense of humanity. And that was made all outside Steemit =)

Ha-ha, yeah, all the richness is inside, not outside. I would even say that is true for money.

Love yourself. It's important to stay positive because beauty comes from inside out.Also agree with your conclusion.

Love is like an ATM machine, you can only get when you've deposited. Nice article

It's a great post. such a benefited post.people will benefited on this and learn many thing.thanks for sharing.keep it up.waiting for your next post.thank you.

love yourself, fight your evil (which we all have ) and don't take your life too seriously !!

Thank you for posting this I really like and inspired by your word. let them hate our success because of their laziness and do not want to get it. I salute you @anritco

Great sharing... Latino people are very Good.

According to me I will say

  1. Having a perspective beyond the usual
  2. Authenticity- showing up in a way that makes you uniquely you...
  3. Connection- how you engage people

I think these points are very related to those I wrote before ;)

@anritco its really true when you work on yourself it can lead you to progress,whatever the case maybe,setting aside time to work on your own goals and dreams is a mighty good idea. You're inspiring

Without a doubt, I think the most important thing is to love yourself and walk with a good attitude, as you say your open mind, establish friendships with many people is very good, sometimes these people encourage us to leave a problem and love us just as we are. Great post my brother

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