People in Internet NEVER Post Their Failures (Mostly Artists)

in #life7 years ago

Hi everyone!

Have you ever felt like you are going through Steemit (or Facebook) and you start watching this awesome artists (in case you are an artists, if not apply it to the idols of your profession hehe) and think deep inside "damn, they are gods !!". Well let me tell you something:

They are not


(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them)

There is a lot of talented people out there that would completely humiliate our skills in whatever we do. And the truth is that they have their own asian guy ghosts that humiliates them too.

See, having this elements in your career and life itself (because it also applies to your personal development -your personality, character, your own value as a person-) are extremely positive if you know how to understand them. Furthermore, I would consider this not only as elements but tools of your own development:

Being a human is extremely hard, mostly because we don't really know why we came to the world and what our mission or goal in life is. But we have a finite time in here, so we feel the weight of time as well.

This means that most of us are completely lost but in hurry. What the F, right?

The first step there then, is to find a goal, a little one, ANY! Even a dummy one such as taking a little tubular-shaped organized piece of graphite over a matte white material for making pictograms. Or as we call it... making little drawings for living.

See, it's better have one random goal that leads somewhere than none at all.


In fact, you should only have one goal a time. Then assuming that you already have that objective and that you did your homework (which means to make a deep research of the methods, techniques and professionals leading each topic -I'll do a post about this soon-), now you are plenty of great professionals that appear in your nightmares telling you that you will never get there. Even worse:

They are so extremely good and successful that even looking for their mistakes or s#!tty artworks where they failed, there is none.



See, I had many opportunities to talk with these people, and when I was asking them (after licking their balls telling them how much I like their work) if they had any secret. The answer was always the same: "practice, practice and practice and after that, practice a little bit more". "There are no magic paths", they said. And I believed that ! But then I was asking them back:

Where are all your failures that drove you into this point?? Do you still fail? The answer completely changed my vision of everything:

"Dude, I fail a lot! It's still being super frustrating, but you learn how to deal with frustration and the most important: YOU NEVER show your sketches in the internet, you never show your failures. Just your success, because this is the way that people recognizes you and see you. This creates your image through others and this image will talk by itself".

Okay they just said that they fail a lot and they don't upload their sketches. The rest is a little bit of my words with these concept that got into my mind.

So the whole point here is to understand that what you show in your space in the internet with your name and signature, remains as the image that people will have way after you upload that artwork. This is the main reason why artists just upload their success (and in many cases, such as mine, some of their works still being pretty nasty).

There is one more factor divided in two that plays an important role: The experience.


  • See, the more experience you have the more skills you have for understanding in first place how to solve problems inside the canvas (or your work area whatever your profession is). This means that your chances of failing are lower with every new practice you do and with every study you have.

  • And in second term you start understanding since almost the very beginning of your artwork if it s gonna work or not. This is actually why I always try to make a solid base and start everything from that point.

This is actually super important... can you imagine a building without the proper base? It would collapse anytime due that the weight would simply kill it. Or can you imagine a completely improvised building? Well... I can and I tell you that it would be a mess.

This is why improvisation is good for problem-solving, but not as a 100% method of working. So try to have a plan before and a solid base.



Don't get depressed because you are bad, you are not! These people better than you were practicing A LOT for getting where they are. Remember: they are not gods, they are insanely dedicated people that just want to see their skills grow daily. They are really normal people, but with a goal. So what are you waiting for?

This is YOUR moment for finding YOUR goals!

Good luck!

If you read all this post I want to thank you, I always try to keep quality above quantity and this was the case. So I invite you to do the same and to make from Steemit a better quality place than a platform where you make crappy posts for getting some dollars.

Thanks once again for all your support!



Writing is learned through reading, exploring, feeling and researching the subject and yourself. It's a complex achievment but once you reach it, the whole worls is yours. It's amazing how writing can influence our persepctive and how can we bring that perspective to the others.

Great people never talk about failure because speaking about failures will only contribute to negativity, what's so good in talking about failure when absolutely nobody is immune to it? Motivation requires a lot of positivity, you can't motivate somebody by talking about failure can you?

I get a lot of strength and will by talking about failure, the more I fail, the more I learn and so on the closer I get to my objective, that is to slowly but constantly get there =)

your approach is far wiser that most of the comments I see...

Our mistakes are our greatest teachers.

of course you can! If you have the right perspective...There is no such thing as failure, there is only experience - and every SINGLE experience in life is an attributing factor to your personal growth. Sharing those challenges allows you to acknowledge your growth and it also allows the people you share it with to identify with situations and relate to them on their own personal basis. All of the above is what personal growth and strength is about.

A lot of people end up in anxiety, which is probably caused to a low self esteem. Seeing everyones life being happy in social media may lead to a low self esteem, once we compare ours. Loving oneself is a true challenge

I love this. It is so true. I absolutely cannot stand anyone, EVEN MY WIFE, seeing some of my sketches/failures/bad ideas. I wonder though if there is a time/place to be transparent and show some of those failures to give others hope. I think after building a following and a name, I would be willing to show my failures as a learning tool. What do you think?

I think that s actually a good idea to encourage people to get there and to not get frustrated with their failures (that we all have). I actually show a little bit of this in this post where I get back to my early ages when I was starting this path =)

you made me a fan ... thanks for sharing your thoughts. love your artwork 🙇 . Actually reading your post made me realize that I don't spend enough time formatting my post like how you do it. Great idea . Will improve on my next post. Thanks @anritco .

Thanks a lot man!

So deep article .. This is very good idea , we have to be more realistic about the real human , despite of beeing too positive Enthusiast following "fake'' idols ..

Well they are not fake idols, but instead people that are really hardworking (in most of cases), so I think that s a good crowd of people to follow tho, but not blindly =)

Your art is nice. You are absolutely right though, it takes a lot of hard work and failed attempts

10,000 hours. get them in, then you'll be good.

I agree with that, but also with the fact that you have to go 10000 hours studying intelligently, not just repeat like a machine =)

Great write up on the EVERY DAY experience of being a creative ... Thanks for that! Upvoted, following, resteeming!

Ok, it's a great motivational post, but I wanna say one thing: you'll never know with the Internet. There are so many people with so many tastes and culture differences so.. you'll never know. Really.

You may think it's a failure, but internet says - waaait, no way, it's so freaking awesome, weird and funny... And suddenly it becomes popular and loved like hell :) And the picture you made years ago when you didn't really know how to hold pencil is now the most popular picture you've ever made )

Of course you should try to make the best you can every time. But. It's just life.

I agree with you in that, but I also think that there is al lot of fake modesty out there. People don't really sometimes when something is good in quality but they love it because it is related to something they like such as a video-game, a movie, etc. I will write a post about this in further days =)

Allright! :)

Actually failures are super important. And it's important to show them so others could learn from them. There is one channel on Youtube about woodworking and I love it mostly because when this guy making mistakes he shows them and also shows how he manage to fix them every time. Super useful!

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