My posting break last week gave me some new insights | Finding the healthy balance

in #life6 years ago



I may seem a bit absent lately here in the community

But you must know that I do read, even though I may not always upvote a post, I may be out of power, and don't want to leave dustvotes.. While everything regarding my passport has taken a toll on my stress level, I had to take a minute to breath. Therefore I decided last week to not post for a day or four, and I must say it gave me inspiration, and it felt a bit like a relief too. Although I actually need to keep the posting amount up to earn money as in a few weeks everything will be payed to start the payment plan (unless the appeal will be handled and states otherwise) I need to think of myself too. So if I'm a bit less active posting myself, this is the reason. It will probably be happening some more in the future.


I didn't think I needed the breaks

I thought I must go on 7 days a week, sometimes with a day no posting max. But I found out it's not doable in the long run. As I take advantage of the fact that my boyfriend is around in the weekends, so I have a bit more of freedom writing because he's there for the little girl too, I will probably be taking the breaks during work days. Everyone needs a break once in a while, so do I. It's best for me to be honest with myself, instead of breaking down in some months. Especially as I have been writing a lot of heavy stuff in the past months about heavy topics, and experiences I must be aware of the fact that these things take a toll on your health if you're not careful. That's one thing I've learned from the past, to be honest with yourself if you're taking to much on your shoulders.


The curating does go on though

Even when I take a posting-break, because I love doing that too much. And I made a commitment to do some things, and I love spreading the word about good posts I come across. And since I was asked to take part in the curation league from Comedyopenmic recently, I found out that that's the real good stuff. You get to read all these funny posts, and curate them. This next week I'm a guest judge for Comedyopenmic round 18 too, looking forward to all the funny posts. And then there's also the @c-squared curating which I do enjoy a lot, I've been a little less active last days because of personal things, but I see great potential for that initiative. It's like getting curied, but the rules a less tight, and I can see the vote value growing a lot in the future.


All of the sudden I do have tons of new ideas

Where I am always filled with ideas for posts, or other things I'm planning to write/do, the keeping the pass gave me even more insights. I even started the beginning of a thing that eventually may end up being a book somewhere in the future. Still finding the best way to start the whole publish the book thing. I know I will and I know I can do it, but as things happen, my focus sometimes gets pulled towards another direction. And a while after that it may be pulled back to the other idea a while. But as long as I keep writing, it will be fine in the end.. Things will finish at the right time, and eventually I will have my answers in what should be the best order to do these things. Sometimes it would be nice to just have one good idea instead of a head filled with ideas and inspiration. Luxury problem, right? At least I got inspiration, that's what matters.


A moment to say that I care

You probably know when I'm talking about you when you read this. Some of the people in the familyprotection community are having a hard time, for several reasons. Please know that I do read everything, and I think about you every day, hoping that there will be good (or even better: great) news from your hand. Know that when you want to vent, people will be here to listen/read what's on your mind. Keep your head up, you are strong!
And I also find it very inspirational to read about situations where CPS will probably back off soon, keep posting those success stories too. It's good to read, especially for all of us who are still (now or in the future) going to have to face court hearings and start the fight against them to get justice done. Every story is remembered, maybe not on a conscious level, but in the unconscious we do remember I am sure. Every story shared is valuable in the end to another person. And it's your story that should be heard. At least that's how I see it.

I still find the Steemit community adding value to my life, as I read inspirational things every day, I learn from the mistakes others may have made (and maybe they learn from mine) and therefore the mistakes were also valuable for at least one person. People take the time to help each other seeking answers when they don't know the ways to find them because it's new to them, I really appreciate that. And I hope to be a part of Steemit for a very long time from now!

Have a great weekend everyone!





I'm glad to hear you took a few days off and they were good for you :-) I recognize the 'need' to write daily, but sometimes just saying in the morning 'not today' is what really frees up some space in the mind to actually recharge and get back inspired and energized :-) Have an AMAZING weekend yourself!

Exactly.. and guess what I didnt post yesterday lol.. and nothing bad happened hehe :) thanks! gonna sleep soon I guess hehe

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It all sounds so familiar. The need to post but also that you need some space again to find the right words. Especially if you have so much going on as yourself.

We are all just humans!

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