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RE: Perfect world!

in #life6 years ago

I guess I was just reflecting on a lot of recent events .... and a lot of people’s reactions to these events .... And I can’t help but think that if they knew the entire story .... they may not feel that way or react that way .... I did find somethings out ... he has moved on .... he seems happy ... she seems happy with him .... I think I was just someone he thought he cared about .... bc he wanted it so bad ... he wanted to find someone ... he loved the idea of a family .... we got along well..etc .... I was kinda the one there.... and I came to a realization of my own .... and I’m done with that chapter of my life !


So glad to hear it @anonymity5 ! You deserve more and better ❤️

Thanks ... I’m not sure what I deserve anymore .... but at this point I’m just content with my kids and what I have at this very moment in my life .

Actually @anonymity5, I've figured out that if I have no expectations of anyone or anything, I'm rarely disappointed, and occasionally pleasantly surprised.

I think there is a famous quote that says something along the same lines ... I’ll let you know if I remember it / find it .

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