Getting interviewed by @wadepaterson | A sneak peak to the Nomad´s head (Eng/Spa)

in #life7 years ago (edited)
When I saw Wade´s message over I immediatley knew I had seen his name around Steemit more than once but, I couldnt quite point exactly where or in what context I had seen it, so when I read his message I did it with more than just a bit of curiosity

Spanish version after english one - Versión en español al terminar la de inglés

Hey Eric, I´d like to feature: "20 questions with @anomadsoul"

And BUM, that´s when it hit me! Of course I know who this guy is! I´ve seen his interviews around!

My face when I found out Wade wanted to interview me

The thing is guys, Wade has interviewed a lot of big names not only from our platform - such as @heiditravels, @roelandp, @kevinwong, @gringalicious and @donkeypong - but also from the cryptocurrency world and other interesting personalities and to be honest, my first thought was Well, why me?.

If you look closely to the Steemian names I dropped there is one common denominator: They are all here from the start of the platform or at least very close to its birth, I´ve been here for less than a year and I can think of at least 10 names who are a more interesting choice to be interviewed than me.

But then I kept reading Wade´s message and it seems that some Steemians asked @wadepaterson to interview me! that makes more sense now! I wonder who they were but hey, thank you, I feel honored! Both by you asking Wade to interview me and also towards Wade who saw potential in this interview :D

Well, this post is to invite you to follow @wadepaterson and be on the lookout for when the interview is posted, which will be somewhere around next week.

If you are curious about this written interview, I won´t spoil it but I can tell you some insights: I will be speaking about my Steem-life, about my past irl (in real life, come on, learn your internet terms!), something about my adventure-traveling and also some personal questions!

I had so much fun answering this questions. No doubt Wade has some serious skills regarding interviews, he certainly knows how to ask about the correct topics without being too direct.

I am currently finishing the answers and I got very excited and I wanted to share this with you, I hope you enjoy reading this interview as much as I enjoyed doing it.

What are you waiting for? Go follow @wadepaterson!

Spanish version incoming, if you already read this, go vote now, or not, it´s a free world :D

Siendo entrevistado por @wadepaterson | Un vistazo a la cabeza del nómada

Cuando vi el mensaje de Wade en inmediatamente reconocí su nombre, sabía que lo había visto en algún lado más de una vez en Steemit pero no lograba recordar exactamente en donde ni en que contexto, así que al leer su mensaje lo hice con un más que un poco de curiosidad.

Hey Eric,me gustaría presentar: "20 preguntas con @anomadsoul"

Fue ahí cuando BUM, me di cuenta! Por supuesto que sé quien es este tío! He leído algunas de sus entrevistas!

Esta fue mi cara cuando me enteré que Wade quería entrevistarme

La cosa es que, Wade ha entrevistado a muchos nombres importantes no solo de nuestra plataforma - como @heiditravels, @roelandp, @kevinwong, @gringalicious y @donkeypong - pero también a personas renombradas del mundo de las criptomonedas así como a otras personalidades interesantes así que para ser honesto, mi primer pensamiento fue Bueno, y ¿por qué yo?.

Si miras con atención los perfiles de las personas que han sido entrevistadas por Wade, verás que el común denominador es que todos ellos han estado en Steemit desde su comienzo o casi desde que empezó esta plataforma, en cambio yo no he estado aquí ni siquiera un año y puedo pensar en al menos 10 nombres que serían una opción mucho mas interesante que yo para ser entrevistados.

Pero entonces seguí leyendo el mensaje de Wade y al parecer algunos Steemians le dijeron a que debía entrevisarme! Bueno, eso tiene más sentido ahora! Me pregunto quienes habrán sido pero hey, muchas gracias, me siento muy honrado! Tanto con las personas que pidieron a Wade tanto como con Wade que le vió buen potencial a esta entrevista :D

Bueno, este post es para invitarte a seguir a @wadepaterson y estar a la espera de la publicación de la entrevista, que será en algún momento de la siguiente semana.

Si te da curiosidad saber de que trata esta entrevista escrita, no planeo arruinar la sorpresa pero si puedo darte algunos avances: Estaré hablando de mi vida en steemit, un poco de mi pasado irl (in real life por sus siglas en inglés, vamos, aprende la jerga de Steemit!), algo acerca de mis aventuras viajando y también un poco de preguntas personales!

Pasé un muy buen rato contestando estas preguntas. Sin duda Wade es muy hábil para hacer entrevistas y sabe la manera perfecta de abordar temas interesantes sin ser muy directo.

Actualmente estoy terminando de contestar las preguntas y me emocioné un poco de más y quise compartir esto con ustedes, espero que disfruten leyendo la entrevista tanto como yo disfruté contestar las preguntas.

¿Qué esperas? Comienza a seguir a @wadepaterson!


What's a nomad

Wow, that's really great Nomad. Been seeing Wade's interviews around as well; looking forward to yours. The adventure-travelling part?, yeah....that's what i'm interested in.

He is really good huh? I enjoy very much his interviews. Oh I hope you are not disappointed, I think the personal questions have some good content also, thanks for dropping by man.

That's Awesome!

I enjoyed @kevinwong 20 questions with @wadepaterson and looking forward to yours @anomadsoul


I also read kevinwong´s interview, it wasn´t expecting him to be such a cool guy! Thanks Frank, I hope to live up to the expectations :D

I have no doubt brother...

From what I have seen from LURKING at your blog for the past several months, you SIR have seen ALOT!

I sometimes want to be in your shoes/sandals traveling and helping around the world.

Steem On!



I followed @wadepaterson. Already I am follower of you. Really I enjoyed your interview post with @wadepaterson. I get inspiration from this types of post. Yes, I think I can do something in this platform to be success in my life. Good job...keep it up friend.

I have been following @wadepaterson's interview for a long while now and he always ask interesting questions. He is such an adorable being. It is so good to see you feature on this as well, my friend. I cannot wait to read the interview. This is huge. Your influence spreads like fragrance. Well done.

Can't wait for my favourite steemain @anomadsoul to be interviewed.

Already following you both.

Wow you are one of the best Steemians I know @anomadsoul so you really deserve to be interviewed and be in line with the most popular Steemians in the platform. Congratulations!

Sweet! Look forward to it! :D

Thanks man! I hope to bring some giggles also hehe

Oooooh, I like to giggle. :)

thank you very much @anomadsoul.
I'm not asking I'll just learn a lot from you.
this is very useful.
that would be a very nice interview

That is awesome. Looking forward to reading the interview post.

I hope you enjoy them, it took me some time to actually answer all of them, some were very tricky!

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