Ever Lost Something?

in #life7 years ago

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Let's face it, at some point in our lives we might have unexpectedly lost something dear to us. Such times leave us feeling like we got a glimpse of hell, The tears, thoughts of what could have been, the what-if pauses, the twenty-twenty questions, the long stares into the open, the sting, the dreary nights, the chill, the seclusion, the anger and the pain, the need, the longing, the want.... You get the picture.

I have and you have too. But, we are here despite the gravity of the pain we felt, we didn't stay down for too long. Instead, we've grown a lot stronger, surpassing what we lost and thought was the best.

Maybe twas a relationship, a loved one passed, a business, your favourite stuff, money, etc...
Truth is, losses are a part of life. . It gives us to test us, just to see how well we deal with.

Don't fail! it's a loop, don't you get it? It'll give you again if you do!

The only way to the top is to go through life's school! You don't see the next class if you don't pass. and losing sometimes is part of the courses you get to offer so why stop?
Life doesn't care if you fail countless times, when you rise, it'll look you in the face and say; Ready for the next round?

How do you deal with loss? First off, stop bitching about it already. Take your time, assess what happened, grieve, then accept it and move on. I am serious about the grieving, the more you fight that process, the harder you fall into depression.

  • Acknowledge that feeling.— Face reality, "I lost something, there's no denying that."

  • Shun the urge to self-blame. It happened already anyways, and it won't suddenly undo itself.

  • Take steps to fill that void.— Each person has their unique way of dealing. Whatever works for you.

  • Learn to grow outta it.— This might take time, but you wanna be sure it's gradual. Don't rush it.

  • Find the message inside of your loss. Who knows, maybe you need to add an extra layer of watchfulness.

  • Be optimistic. "green is forward". Don't be weary to start building again. It gets better.

  • Be emotionally stable. hold back on a bit of emotion, for your safety.

  • Lastly, Never ever give up. Keep on walking!

And if ever you feel these lines might be too much to take all in, you might wanna reads the words of Marcus Aurelius, the one time Emperor of ancient Rome, on stoicism, when he quoted;

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PS: Here's a song by passenger that gives a new meaning to the last point. keep on walking!


Great work. Powerful inspiration, it's been a long walk through life.

Long time, no see

Boss.... we go see soon

Oh yeah, we will...


I agree with you 98.8% on this dear

Life doesn't care if you fail countless times, when you rise, it'll look you in the face and say; Ready for the next round?

Most of the time is how we respond to what happens to us that truly matters.
Its ok to cry at the moment of the loss but after then you have to deliberately map out strategies on how to improve on yourself and move on.
Thanks @annieben for sharing this great post.

True that. How we respond is what determines how that situation will play out. Thanks dear

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