He's Going To Fix That Boot

in #life5 years ago

My brother sent me this photo quite a few weeks back to show me his attempt at repairing his boot.
He drilled holes for zip ties and also used a water proof epoxy before he zip tied his boot back together. He reports it is still holding great and he truly is a ruff hardworking on his feet all day. I hope he gets many more miles out of his work boots. I did ask him about the small blotches of red. He said it was some old dried up red paint. I hoping it wasn't blood.



That's awesome....MacGyver would be proud....

Lol..!!! Indeed MacGyver would appreciate this...!!
I always keep duct tape, zip ties, assorted hose clamps and epoxy on hand...

I have a little fix it bag too up at the cabin....lol...

@annephilbrick when you have good fitting boots, you do what ever it takes to fix them. I really hate new boots, I wish we could buy them already broke in. He did a great job fixing them.

Hello.. :-)
It's definitely no fun breaking in a new pair of boots.. And a new boots are expensive..!!

That is a great diy fix @annephilbrick! I am going to remember it.
I hope you had a great day. :)

Hello... :-) !!
He did a super cool fix job..
I hope you had a great day.
My garden rake attacked me. I have a swollen painful black eye... :-) ;(

Ouch @annephilbrick!!! I hope you heal rapidly. I often think of garden rakes as the second most dangerous tool other than a chainsaw. I have had my share of mishaps with them over the years...especially as a kid. A few years back I was working on a job building a small insulated structure on a steep hill to house a spring water holding tank and the jobsite was pretty hazardous to start with because there was ALOT of copperheads that kept getting in the covered lumber pile, plenty of timber rattlers, no-seeums that continually bit me (and my helpers) on every uncovered portion of skin and it was steep and slippery to boot and beside all that this helper kept leaving the garden rake with the prongs up laying around the job site and reacted poorly to me admonishing them about it like it was some sort of joke even after I explained how dangerous it was to do so. Eventually I stepped on it and if it was not for my catlike reflexes it would have cracked me square in the face. I did not quite catch it as it swung towards me but I tried to and it cracked me on the bones where my wrist meets my hand and fractured them. It was incredibly painful but anymore I just never lay them on the ground and always lean them against something instead and if there is nothing around to lean them on I bring a collapsible camping chair with me to lean them against.

Thank You.. @jacobpeacock
I'm alright...(:
It was my own stupidity. I was hurrying getting things done before it rained and not paying attention..

Well that is what happens when we hurry @annephilbrick!!! All humor aside that does not look nearly as bad as what I was picturing.

That's awesome! Haha! I love it!

Hello :-)
My brother is a boot savior..lol..!!!

haha! howdy annephilbrick! this is classic, it belongs in my Redneck repairs type of posts! wow, too bad he didn't send photos of the job after he did it, that had to luck at least a little funny! It's a great idea though, I'd try it!

lol.. It's definitely classic redneck repair. Feel free to share. My brother would be most honored. I need him to send me a picture of it zipped up..!! and on his foot.

howdy today annephilbrick! Yes we need a picture of how the repair job looks. I might even try that method myself. lol. Does he read any of your posts or does he know anything about steemit? I know most people think we're crazy. lol.

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