Things I’d Like To Say To You… That I’m Too Afraid to Say Aloud

in #life7 years ago

Oftentimes, the most important things worth knowing, are the words that are left unsaid.

We allow the fear of ridicule, rejection, and humility, to dictate what we say, and to whom. Sometimes, those fears hinder us from expressing our emotions and truly living our lives the way we’d like to.

So instead of letting the thoughts consume us, why don’t we just say how we feel?

I’ll tell you why… because it’s freaking scary and intimidating. It’s a hard thing to do, putting your heart on the line, and letting everything out in the open.

Now I’m not going to be a hypocrite and give you a list of things you should do, that I wouldn’t follow myself in this situation. Instead, I’ll give you some alternatives to bottling up your feelings, because that’s never good.

Write in your journal, on a napkin, tell your friends (that’s what they’re there for!) SOMETHING; Just let it out of you!

It’s really irrelevant the method in which you choose to release whatever you’re holding on to, what’s important is that you let it go!

What’s going to happen if you bottle it up is one day, it’ll build up to the point that it just explodes out of you. In a fit of rag or moment where you just can’t take it anymore, you’ll end up revealing your deepest secrets, probably at the inopportune time, and I’m guessing you don’t want that to happen.

So to prevent yourself from making a scene, let it out, think it through, and see what you want to do from there.

Just for encouragement, and fairness, I’ll reveal some things that I’ve been keeping inside. But for the record, I don’t recommend doing this in your situations; doing things like sub-tweeting and writing statuses about people are not ways to get your point across.

My disclosure is purely for moral support; if I can say it on my blog, you can tell your journal or best friend! So let it out so it doesn’t eat away at you inside!

Various things I’d like to say, to various people at the moment:

- I look up to you so much, I really wish we were closer. I’d be so happy if we could become closer friends, because I feel like we’re so alike and we get along really well, we just don’t hang out as much as I’d like. 

- Umm.. There’s a reason I don’t respond to you. You’re kind of a jerk. Actually, no. You’re really just a jerk, and you don’t even have anything to back it up. Sometimes I can understand how people have a bit of arrogance to them, but you don’t do anything with your life and expect people to fawn over you. 

- Totally lied when I told you I thought relationships were stupid. Not saying that’s necessarily what I want right now, I’d just like to get to know you better, and I find you interesting/attractive and stuff… Ya know? I just didn’t say this because I didn’t want to freak you out if you didn’t feel the same. Which is totally cool, because you know, friends are cool too… I’m just too awkward to express this sentiment in words, but I think you get the point.

- Your eyebrows are so unflattering. Like… extremely unflattering on you. I’m so tempted to let you know every time I see your daily selfie on Instagram…. they just do not compliment your face. Or anything. At all. I’m sorry, I don’t want to seem offensive if I told you. I’m really not trying to be rude, it’s really for your own good, but ease up on the penciling of your eyebrows.

-You’re a really great friend, and I hate to friend-zone you like this, but really, we’re just friends. I call you a bro all the time for a reason. But i really value our friendship and wish you would stop making advances because it’s making my already awkward life, a little more awkward… 

Phew! I feel better already with that out of my system.

I’m really all for honesty, but I understand that some things are harder to say than others. Sometimes, you just have to think it through, and prepare yourself before you tell someone else.

I understand the intimidation of revealing something important, but if you can, you should tell the person. If it’s worth the risk, take it, you never know what will come out of it.

BUT if you don’t know if it’s worth the risk, take some time to think it over. Start by letting it out of your system, and take things from there.

If I can risk the people i’m discussing, seeing this, you can definitely let go of what you’re keeping bottled inside. It’s just not healthy. If you can’t tell the person, and you can’t tell someone, write it down! Just let it out of you!

Stay truthful, Stay open, & Stay opinionated!


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