What is the point of having a partner if happiness comes from within?

in #life6 years ago

A partner is the best way to facilitate your inner growth. Everything we see in our partners are reflections of our inner being.

Someone recently told me about a book they read explaining how we choose our spouses. The basic premise was that we subconsciously choose spouses who complete us.

It describes ‘completing us’ as choosing spouses who will push us to the boundaries of our ‘flaws’ (don’t think of flaw as a negative attribute but rather as a part of your inner experience that leads to emotional and mental difficulty for YOU) so that we can grow past them inside of ourselves.

In this way, both partners have an opportunity to complete each other and grow their inner experiences of life together if they open to themselves rather than close off even more. Closing off more results in divorce. Opening to one’s inner experience through the mirror of your partner leads to inner growth and light.

What’s more is that every emotional response we experience (positive or negative) is the communication of information.

There is a difference between a ‘need’ and dependency.

It’s easy to see how our bodies communicate needs to us - when we feel hungry its telling us we NEED to eat. When we’re tired our body is telling us we NEED to sleep.

Why should the emotional or mental brains be different?

What are loneliness, anxiety, depression… any sort of suffering?

They are the communication of emotional needs from our emotional minds. Our emotional minds don’t ‘think’ in words, they simply communicate in the form of feelings.

Satiety FEELS good, right? Energy FEELS good. Doing something for another person FEELS good. Laughing FEELS good. When something FEELS good, we’re receiving communication from our emotions that there’s a need that’s being satisfied.

When something FEELS bad, we’re being communicated information of an unsatisfied need.

Look, I’m not saying that you need a partner or kids to be happy.

I’m saying that giving and receiving love are innate human needs and the beautiful corresponding feelings that accompany the fulfillment of them is how that information is communicated to us.

A partner helps satisfy those needs consistently and wholesomely.

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Good night.. Nice.. Like my post.. 😀😀

Nice article

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