Hustle or not to Hustle: That is the Question

in #life7 years ago (edited)

If you have been in entrepreneurship or followed online gurus, probably you have heard the term "hustle" before.

Being a non-English speaker, it took me a while to understand what does it mean exactly.

Now, let's make one thing clear. I am for hard work and I do believe that it is one of the most-crucial components to success. I have always worked hard and sooner or later it has always paid off...

But these days many people preach hustling so much that when we take a break, or take it easy we end up feeling guilty...

Few months ago I was at a talk show about the subject with my friend @lelandbest and Nazim.

You can watch it below:

The show was provoked by my initial Facebook Live video that I did few days before that.
Here it is:

Would love to hear your thoughts about the subject!


I know that I'm a workaholic and I'm working on taking a little more personal time. I don't like the word "hustle" - I think it gives me the impression that I'm being gamed or gaming someone - and that is far from what I do. I work hard. I put in crazy hours. In perspective, I think I put the hours in because that's how big my goals are. I don't feel guilty about taking time off. Something will always be waiting for me to work on and that's okay. :)

I think even though you work very hard your mindset is sane and healthy.
Hope you reach your goals soon.

This was one of those areas not many like to tread into, with the likes of Gary V. and many other "hustlers" rustling up followers by pushing people to their max and driving them to put every minute of their time into their businesses. Not many want to hear the FACT that the hustle mindset can be very detrimental to not only your health, but your family, friends and your bottom line if you're not careful how you handle yourself.

Take it from someone who "did the hustle" for a few years to find that 20hr days are for the mechanical robots of the world, not for humans.

Thanks for inspiring the interview with your video, it was very well received and still stirs up conversations now and again! :)

I am sure ours is not among the popular views but oh well - we dare to differ! )

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