Snakes have woken out!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

"Mum, dad back down the stairs, just do as I say, back down quietly, go slow and don't look up," says my teenage daughter. We had returned from a walk to the beach and our daughter was talking in a very controlled quiet calm voice urging us to follow her directions.

"What the heck?" Needless to say, we were a little confused at her rather bizarre directions. Our girl repeated her directions a couple of times so we did as were told, we backed down the stairs and then looked up. That is when we saw a rather large Python wrapped around the slats at the backdoor. We wondered how long it might have been there or even how long it has lived in and around our home.

Our action plan was to ring Chris the Snake Catcher to come and rescue the Python and us. He came fairly quickly, thank goodness and went to work unwrapping the long Python who was not happy at being disturbed. The agitated snake gave him a nip just to let Chris, who assured us that this was a usual response from an unhappy snake.

All we can say as we handed over $50 as an appreciated thank you was goodbye, grateful you came and perhaps we might see you again one day.

This little action packed story took place several years ago now, but the experience holds a special place in my memory. Snake catchers are really helpful individuals to know when a snake visits. Mostly if left to their own devices snakes do not openly make themselves known to householders. The Python was only resting for a while.

I am really happy to only see their tracks in the sand like I did the other day, which was a good reminder that spring is here and the snakes are on the move again after winter. Every walker during the warmer months stay alert to the possibility of meeting a snake somewhere along a path. They are amazing animals that play an important role in the ecological system on the Earth, but I do not have the expertise to handle snakes. Best to leave well enough alone.

Thankfully all I saw of a snake on my path to the surf beach the other day was marking. I am hoping it stays like this for all of summer.



haha! oh my gosh angiemitchell! that would totally freak me out! how did it get in there?

Now janton I cannot answer that one. I bet it had been around for a long while or maybe it was passing through. If I can't see snakes then I am fine haha.

howdy again angiemitchell! yes but I mean how could it have gotten into the house?

It was only on the outside and Pythons climb - I think. Anyway we do not live there anymore! Sorry if I am not very helpful.

howdy this fine Wednesday! well at least it is here with the sun shining brightly and a nice breeze. It's kinda like being on the coast without the view, lol. I wish.
Anyway ..oh no that's fine and you were very helpful because I didn't understand that the python wasn't in the house, I thought it was in the house and that was a freaky thought so I'm thankful that it wasn't.

Actually the post surprised me though because I didn't know that you guys in Australia even had pythons and to have them in town really seems bizarre to me! lol.

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