Keeping flowing and enjoying the present moment....change comes without warning.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The best thing for any individual is to get into a meaningful flow with a good balance of activity and play. Do not flow for someone else. Life is precious, get the most out of each day before time ticks away and life as you know it changes. Are we ever prepared when one door closes and a very different door opens?

There is a man called William, a single man of 75 years old who had no option but to walk through a doorway of change. He is a gentle fun man with a great sense of humour who has never been known to say a bad word about anyone. William has led a very independent carefree kind of life; he was a teacher in his working life and belonged to a big social circle of friends. He bought and lived in a lovely old Queenslander style home in the inner Brisbane area for many years.

All was perfectly fine and happy for William who cherished his privacy and independence, that is until his lifestyle went askew. Sadly William's health deteriorated, he developed a lung disease so significant that he can no longer live on his own. The only option open to William was to move into an Aged Care Facility to receive daily care. Without having control or choice William walked through another doorway of life' journey . He has done this with grace and acceptance.

A positive in this story is that William's brothers and sisters have come together to support him. His house of 40 years needs to be sold to secure his position in the Aged Care Facility. Family are doing the hard yards, cleaning it up and preparing it for sale.

I don't see William having any regrets, he has made the most of his new living situation surrounding himself with his favourite belongings and pot plants.

William is a very nice unassuming man who has continued to live in his flow.



howdy angiemitchell! well I wish William good health for the rest of his days, it sounds like he has a good support system with his family there.
gotta treasure the time we have.

Hey janton, we really do need to make the most of our little bit of time on Earth appreciating everyone.

howdy again angimitchell! yes Ma'am and I think steemit brings out so much positive in people and that it's a very positive force for the world, it just needs to grow with many more people to make more of an impact.

Well said janton and good Tuesday morning to you. It only takes one candle to brighten up a dark room.

howdy today angiemitchell! dang how far ahead in time are you guys!? lol. here it's only 6pm! you must be at least 12 hours ahead of us.

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