Walking: Investment in Healthy and Creativity

in #life5 years ago


Walking is an investment? Seriously? Indeed, in general terms, investment refers to economic activities based on asset investment activities. But then when we see investment as a goal to get future benefits from the accumulation of activities carried out, then we can see the form of investment in many ways.

Many things can be related to investment activities if these activities are profitable in the future. Starting from investing in knowledge activities and abilities, to health. These things are expected to increase expertise and support human resources that automatically increase income.

In my opinion, walking is an activity that is included in health investment and also creative thinking. I will share with you some scientific reasons why walking can be used as investment activity in the form of health and creative assets.


Walking For Health

Basically, the health benefits of walking are not as maximal as those of other physical exercise activities.

The benefits of physical activity from sports activities depend on 3 elements, such as the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise. This makes running look more efficient than walking. But that doesn't matter because here we are talking about walking. Yes, rather than not walking at all.

To get the maximum benefit from walking, we can combine walking with other fun activities to increase the intensity of walking time.

People who walk long distances, walk fast on the spot, enjoy the greatest protection.

Research reveals that walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular events by 31% cut the risk of dying by 32%. This benefit was equally robust in men and women.

Walking is also a form of moderation of exercise in general. Walking improves cardiac risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, obesity, vascular stiffness & inflammation, and mental stress.

Then, what about the number of calories burned while walking? Is that feasible? The number of calories burned depends on how long you walk and are factored in your weight.

According to a study conducted in 2009, the average weight of Americans increased by around 2.2 pounds a year during middle age. But over the 15 years of the study, people who walked significantly lost weight compared to people who didn't. In this study, for example, walking for just 35 minutes a day saved a 160-pound person about 18 pounds of flab over 15 years of aging. The good conclusion, more walking, the less weight gain.

For the record, walking that we have to do is not as simple as a few steps. We must have guidance regarding how long and how many steps. You can start using the step counter application or other health application that monitors your step count. In this case, you can use the @actifit dapp that is connected to the Steem Blockchain and you will get rewards if you post your activities to Steem Blockchain.


Combine Walking with Other Daily Activities

Brisk walking coupled with other activities such as gardening, cleaning, grocery shopping, it can burn up to 400 calories per day.

Of course, this can be very fun if we know the health benefits behind the myriad of tiring daily activities.

For example, walking around the garden while checking plants. Or even something else that is fun, walking while photographing some interesting species that are around where you are walking. Of course, it's fun because you can share it on social media like Steemit. :)


Walking For Thinking: Stepping Up Your Creativity

For me, there is no more pleasant way to improve health than walking alone. I feel calm and can resolve complex thoughts slowly without panic.

Have you ever felt like a "quiet emptiness" while walking alone? Take it easy, you don't need to worry as long as you stay alert to your surroundings.

Based on the theory of a Neurologist, Vinod Deshmukh asserts that walking makes it possible to also offer people "cognitive pause" which are known as important in a creative process.

New insights come to us when the phase "pause and unload the mind". This is important to do to avoid the same mindset. To bring a different mindset, "cognitive pause" helps us to stop and let go of old thoughts and helps bring new solutions. Usually, we call this inspiration that comes unexpectedly, because we have experienced "cognitive pause" before.

Walking offers that "cognitive pause", much like meditation that offers an opportunity for us to calm the mind and get rid of old thoughts that are not functioning and are not needed. Therefore, walking is also considered as natural meditation without planning like meditation itself.

Walking is considered to have an effect like meditation because it is able to break away from the tension of the muscles of the body and divert the mind from the busyness that only revolves around old thoughts.

Walking also has an effect that is almost identical to meditation. The rhythmic activity of the swinging arm and the footsteps that create different rhythms are considered able to reduce the frequency of brain waves as low as possible but remain conscious. This is similar to the condition before going to bed and when you wake up. This alpha-brain wave condition is the best condition for creative thinking.


Be Healthy, Be Happy: The Advantages of Walking

Essentially walking does create happiness if you are willing to accept it. If you are trying to rank the scientific causation of walking, of course you can sort them from what I have shared above.

In general, when our bodies become healthy, we will more easily think positively and increase happiness. Plus the creative process that is useful in the process of our daily work, it will certainly make your work easier because it is surrounded by new ideas.

If we try to see other things that can be used as an advantage of running activities compared to others, then here I will try to share them:

  • Walking is a natural thing in daily life

Very easy to do, but the fact is many people are still lazy to walk for reasons not wanting to get tired.

You can take advantage of walking activities as required daily or mandatory activities of your week. Shopping, and also gardening, combine with a longer walk as your regular exercise to maintain health without requiring additional time because it is accompanied by doing the activities you routinely do.

  • Walking is inexpensive

You don't need additional equipment and also don't need specific instructions or expertise. Walking is the most natural thing we do.

Walking is inexpensive, but can produce something expensive! If later there will be creative ideas generated, it will increase the value of the success of your career or job. From inexpensive walking to producing something valuable. :)


Threatening Danger

Walking is called a low-risk activity. But in some cases, running can be dangerous. For example in areas with high crime rates, avoid walking alone or avoid walking during the quiet hours of the population.

Walking in an area that has a high crime rate will increase the risk of danger and create opportunities to become victims of various crimes.

That is why it is highly recommended to really recognize your area before you decide to walk longer in the area. If outdoor does not allow you to walk, then you can walk in the indoors or around the garden space, even your kitchen.

Indoor or outdoor will not have a difference to influence the process of creative thinking. A study conducted at Stanford University has found that walking indoors or outdoors will produce the same results. It was stated that the natural environment is not the main factor that triggers the creative impulse that inspires.

Therefore, if you have a risk of danger in walking locations, you can do intense walking indoors.


Final Thoughts

For me, walking is a natural medicine for the body and mind, as Hippocrates once wrote: “Walking is man’s best medicine”. I strongly agree with that, coupled with a statement from Friedrich Nietzsche: "All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking".

As long as walking is free, it is not feasible for us to miss the daily activities of walking. While walking we can also be more socialized in the environment in which we live and look deeper into what we were never aware of.

Walking is a very important investment to be a positive impact on various aspects of life, especially health and creative thinking to create a better career and human resources.

You can also use the calculation steps on dapp @actifit to create the benefits of the cryptocurrency asset value of your daily healthy activities.

Walking: be healthy, be happy, and steeping up your creativity. :)


Image Sources: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5




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Walking is the easiest form of exercise. Anyone can do that at any age. You wrote this post giving a lot of useful information. Thank you @anggreklestari for sharing this.

Thank you so much for reading my post. Hope it useful for you.

Hi there @anggreklestari!

This is really interesting! Walking is really really helpful to the human body. Back in those days when I was still in high school, I walk a long distance to school and I believe it's one of the things that kept me flexible. However, the latest version of me does not really walk (tho I intend to be jugging every morning so as to replace the old long walks).

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For school or go to office it would be great way to more healthier with walking if the distance is possible.

Thanks for stopping by

You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Thanks for bringing to our attention the benefits of walking, something that is available for us all to do and with no cost! Inspiring to get us stepping up and stepping out with a walking regime and adding more walking to our normal activities!

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I LOVE walking - it's one of my favourite things to do when I travel! Best way to see the world and connect with nature too. :)

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Yeeep, agree with you. Walking is great way to health and stay connect with nature.

Thank you so much for your support

Spent so long online yesterday that walking was the only way to clear my head!!

Walking at the beach is the thing you have to do! I miss the beach :)

Movement is so important and walking is the one thing most of us can do . Walking has always been such a great way for me to clear my head and I walk pretty regularly into the nearest town, 25 mins each way all ,mostly uphill, this plays a huge part in keeping my fit x

Yeah great option for keeping health everyday. Just simple but big benefit for us.

investing in ourselves is really essential to a better world. Walking is highly accessible not just because it's free but also because it isn't physically taxing for most. I like to use movement as a form of meditation as well. When I'm writing a technical piece I tend to pace the floor in my office

Hey I fully agree with you and recommend that folks go for long walks in nature to give the mind pause, like a mediation, and to keep the body fit.

I laughed when I read your line: "Research reveals that walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular events by 31% cut the risk of dying by 32%." It sounds like walking can cure us from dying lol. That would be a miracle.

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