What is Karma and Dharma?

in #life6 years ago


Today I bring you a personal experience, called "Karma" I am one of the people that is "Today for You tomorrow for Me". Some time ago someone helped him without thinking twice, today it was my turn to be offered to me hand and that person does not doubt even a second to do it. Something that I did not expect at that moment, which I am completely grateful for, because of that special and shameful gesture for me, it is the first time that it has happened to me. After arriving at my house and thinking about what happened that our actions and thoughts, have a great impact on our lives and karma and dharma. I know you do not read my post but I still appreciate your gesture very much I also want to thank everyone very much with which I shared today thank you very much guys.

What is Karma:

Karma means action or transcendent energy that is derived from the acts, words and thoughts of people.

Karma is a Sanskrit word and is used in the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain religions, later adopted also in spiritualism.


In physics, the word is equivalent to the law: "For every action there is a reaction of equivalent force in the opposite direction".

Karma reminds human beings that for every action that an individual performs there will be a reaction. Depending on religion, the meaning of the word may have connotations of specific actions and different consequences, but it is usually related to the action and its consequences.

In Buddhism, karma is used to show the importance of developing the correct attitudes and intentions, since karma returns the bad actions obeying the dharma translated as divine Law, which returns the good.


Law of karma:

The Law of Karma is that law that adjusts the effect to its cause, that is, everything good or bad that we have done in life will bring good or bad consequences in this life or in the following ones.
The Law of Karma is known in various religions as "divine justice" and is immutable. It is always accompanied by the "divine law" called Dharma that balances good and bad actions and consequences.


What is Dharma:

The individual who practices dharma is characterized by doing good to others, developing happiness and universal brotherhood, as well as developing behavior, thoughts and other mental practices that elevate the character of a Being, which leads to obtain prosperity, eternal happiness and the total cessation of pain.

On the other hand, the word adharma is everything that causes discord, separation, and fosters hatred. In conclusion, the word adharma is the complete opposite of dharma.


Dharma and Karma

Every action is accompanied by a reaction, taking into account this principle concludes that if an individual behaves according to their religion and moral principles, its consequence will be positive, and that is why it can receive a reward in the present, this is what is known as dharma.

On the other hand, if the reactions of an action performed by the individual are negative we are in the presence of karma, and will pay for it sooner or later.


Dharma in Buddhism

The dharma, known within Buddhism as one of the three gems (peanuts) or treasures of Buddhism, is characterized by the practice of the teachings of Buddhism that helps to eliminate suffering and obtain an inner peace or tranquility that allows the individual to achieve a quality of life.

The dharma (understood as doctrine) was divided into three sets, known as Tipitaka or Canon Pali, for a better understanding:

  • Sutras, teachings of the Buddha Siddharta Gautama.

  • Vinaias, monastic rules directed by the Buddha himself.

  • Abhidharma, comments by wise men, of the two previous writings.


Dharma in Hinduism:

The dharma in Hinduism constitutes any behavior or action that allows the individual to achieve happiness and satisfaction in their life. On the other hand, dharma is any behavior that allows the individual to be close to God.

Dharma chakra:

The dharma chakra or dharma wheel is the symbol that represents dharma in religions of Vedic origin.

The dharma chakra is full of symbolism:

The circle of the figure represents the perfection of the teaching of dharma.
The center, means the discipline that includes the practice of meditation.
The ring that joins the spokes, symbolizes consciousness.
The dharma chakra is known as the oldest symbol of Buddhism found in Indian art. In Buddhism, this symbol encompasses all the teachings provided by the Buddha.

Finally, this symbol is part of the flag of India.


All photos were taken by my Samsung galaxy S5 Iso 100 phone

nice and a great explanation buddy thnks you for the great post : )

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