📢Amazing Content + Time📢

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You Want A Formula For Success?

It's very simple: Amazing Content + Time

You need both and you need a lot of it. If you're an artist, if you're creating the next iphone, if you're selling an information product you need AMAZING CONTENT (product) and time!

Nothing comes overnight. Many people have amazing content and they put it out there or sell it and after a month they say "where's my success"?

Are you kidding me man?

You made amazing content but you didn't give it time. What's with the impatience?

Expect To Make Nothing For A Year

The only variable you control is your amazing content. Your first 100 posts, videos, or even products will suck. It won't be amazing. The first 100 shirts I made sold very badly. Looking back, they sucked! Still some people bought them which kept me going. I knew deep down to trust the process.

Trust The Process = Never Giving Up

You really only lose if you quit. You fail ONLY if you give up. To build something true, a true skill that pays, you have to WORK. You can't do one spurt of work and expect to keep making money. The idea of passive income has fucked up many otherwise smart people. They know their job sucks and they can do better, they KNOW they have something to offer the world. Then they get sucked into an internet marketers funnel and after failing in 3 months they quit.

Internet marketers are retarded. They wanna take the money (with a shitty product) and do it in zero time. For me, the only thing I focus on is how productive I can be everyday for 5 hours. I read a book called Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less and it's not about being lazy and DOING less, it's actually about being as PRODUCTIVE AS POSSIBLE. Instead of trying to take the money and run try to GIVE as much as you can!

I see it all the time. People trying to make money online and failing miserably. The equation couldn't be any simpler. The only issue with it for most people is:

It Requires Creativity

Nobody will tell you how to make amazing content and nobody will force you to give it time. You have to be creative with your work and creative with letting your value explode onto the world.

You have something unique to offer.

Don't shortchange yourself by withholding what you can give. Give your amazing content and give it time. And read Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less

Thanks for reading :)

Your man,



It does not happen overnight. It takes time and lots of patience, but good things will happen if you just keep on trying and practice makes perfect.

Thanks @basicstoliving! That's cool you're into homesteading. I have read some books on urban homesteading but don't really have a home yet (not sure where I want to settle). Followed!

Thanks! We finally found the right place to settle down and we are building a homestead slowly but surely. Followed you also!

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