
Fighting against the power IS sexy XD just look at that confidence flipping the bird to authority hahaha but I understand that creating your own movement and being a positive influence goes much much further. Great read! Following.

Thanks! The image I used was deliberate - it was something that was happening in my neighborhood, there was a lot of fuss, bloody faces, broken bones, thousands of people protesting, some of them rioting and...nothing changed.

Yes, a few musicians made songs about it, used the protest art for album covers and the newspapers wrote about reform, but it continues to be the same shit, just a different day. There was no positive idea behind events, so the status quo re-asserted itself.

Very nicely said. A truly good read.

I love to challenge old believes, ideas that I see no longer serve, I love to create new ones, but it may at times feel like a lonely road if you can't really share what you find, as most are not ready or willing to hear such out there perspectives. I am not willing to compromise on society though, I do believe we can become so, so much more than we are.. we have such a long way to go, but it's there, it's real, it's tangible, especially when great minds come together.

(p.s. I'll upvote as soon as my vote is back to being worth anything ;) )

Your words are music to my ears, and here on Steemit it is so easy to find unconventional thinkers to help us challenge outdated belief systems and make us use the ol' noggin:)

Life is too precious for us to waste it on second-hand thinking and ideas!

You know that moment when something, like a pattern or a word is so familiar, and yet you keep, just keep observing it and at that one moment it just becomes so strange, like how is it even real, kind of strange..

I like to do that with thoughts and concepts too. :)

I do that with words and names of things. Also, when I walk through the city, I sometimes realize that the building I saw a million times and walked past it thousands of times, I never really SAW IT. Strange sensation, makes you re-evaluate the world.

Just started writing myself on broadly the same topic. Here is the link: Genuinely not spamming you here! But let me know if this link is not welcome and I'll delete it. :-)

No problem, Neville is one of my favorites:)

This idea of thoughts ruling us reminds me of Susan Blackmore's The Meme Machine. It's more literal that you'd think.

I've had it on my hard drive for a long time and never got around to reading it. Today is the day:)

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