in #life7 years ago

Just when you thought you were free of me, HERE I COME!

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I kid, I kid. Honestly, I feel awful for having been gone for six months like I have been. I love being here on Steemit and being involved in the community, and I missed my friends here. Still, sometimes life has a way of pulling us in a particular direction, and you have to restructure your life accordingly.

For me, that took the form of not only a divorce from my wife of five years, but also applying for and being accepted to law school AND completing my first novel.

The divorce has been more than a little difficult to deal with, and I have to admit I'm still trying to straighten myself out. It wasn't a nasty or ugly divorce, thank God, but it's still a difficult emotional journey when a relationship like that comes to an end. We haven't even begun to try explaining this to our three-year-old daughter, and perhaps it's best if we don't try right now. We're on good terms, and we love Kate, so I guess that's really all that matters. Still, it's hard to make your brain work the way you want it to when you're busy trying to fix the big picture.

And then there's law school. I have to tell you, I never expected I'd choose being a lawyer as a profession. That kinda came out of nowhere, but given that I'm already an undergrad at the school that hosts the law school I applied to and did exceptionally well through the course of my bachelor's program, it seemed the natural choice for my post-grad degree. Plus, with a JD, I can either practice law directly, or I can teach. Teaching has been one of my greatest passions since I first considered what I'd do for a living, so it's a definite plus. And you can't beat getting a doctorate degree in three years without a thesis.

As for my book? Well, I'm waiting on it to be go through initial editing through my publisher, but seeing as he's my friend and literally swamped with work and life, I'm think I might just release it here as a serial, one chapter at a time. I'd love to see what you fine folks think of it!

As always, your consideration and upvotes are appreciated. I'm happy to be back, and I can't wait to get back to work now that I'm on the right track again. I got a couple of stories I want to write, I got my serial I need to pick back up, and once school starts I'll be doing a series titled "Adventures in Law School." Wish me luck!


Sorry to hear about the divorce, but I missed you and I am glad you're back.

We should put the band back together and out run some cops while on a mission from God, are you with me?

Five steps ahead of you. I have the PCP.

-puts on his sunglasses and fedora- Now you're speaking my language.

Lol your just back cause its getting popular! Welcome!!!!
Follow me @sarasotafl


BUT you're right, it has nothing to do with divorce, law school, finishing a novel. That shit is easy.

Y0u;r3 both wrong, but @sarasotafl seems to have mastered the art of putting the ass in assumption :)

Big welcome back to you! :D

Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your divorce. When bad things come my way I still count my blessings because it certainly could be much worse. Life is full of twists, turns, highs and lows. Can't wait to read about your adventures in law school.

I can't wait to go on them, to be honest lol. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Thanks for taking the time to read :)

Good to see you my man!

Oh, man. When I commented at your other post, I completely didn't expect that this was the reason for your hiatus. I'm so sorry about what happened. I really don't want to think that it's the price to pay for reaching your goal of being a lawyer. I remember you talking about that before and I'm happy that you're on the track to be one. I think you would make a fine professor one day, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever direction life leads you to.

I'm excited to read the story you came up with. With everything you've put up in the past, I'm sure the newbies here are in for a treat. Welcome back, man. If you ever need an ear, your old buddy is here to lend one.

No, our divorce wasn't motivated by something that selfish, though other selfish decisions were the reason why she decided to leave him. After what I'd put her through, with the Army and my own moral failures, God saw fit to gently remind me that she deserved that if she wanted it. I'm just thankful for the happiness I did have, and our daughter. Blessings, both of these. It's made it easier, but nothing about this has really been easy.

As for the story, I am debating whether I want to release it as is, or edit/re-write as I release the chapters. I've devoted so much time and effort to it that I don't want to go down that road again, but I'm sure by the time it's ready to be published, it's going to be different. At least this way, I might get some feedback from you fine folks.

I'm glad you're back as well. You, @gonzo, and @kryptik were good friends, and I'm glad to see you all again.

No, no, you misunderstood. I didn't mean it like a straight exchange. I meant it as a more figurative exchange. Like a terrible thing happened in exchange for a good one. That sort of thing. I didn't mean it as one thing led to another. Everything will work out in the end, the way it's meant to be. Believe, brother.

Trust that I will provide feedback for your work always. You have been a kind friend when I needed it, and I will do the same for when you're in need. Welcome back!

Ohhh, okay! I feel a lot less awful about how I presented that, now. XD

Thank you, as always, for your kind words and support. I have a lot of catching up to do reading everything that you guys have posted, so I won't be putting up anything new till tomorrow. But I will put up a post at some point tomorrow and get the ball rolling again.

As they say, you have to get back on the horse :)

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