Romantic Love

in #life7 years ago

I'm still learning about relationships and romantic love and I know that I will still be learning more for the rest of my life! It's a complex subject and I've had some pretty hard lessons. But the more I learn, the more I think that we all struggle with this. The more I learn, the more valuable love relationships become.

The sharing of two souls is the most intimate and beautiful thing that a person can experience in this lifetime. This sharing can exist on all levels of the soul as well as the physical. The power that is generated when two people are in love with each other is immense! It is the power that creates the soul and makes it complete!

It takes two people to create a love relationship. Both persons must value it and desire it above all other things or it will be destroyed. Life is about constant change and we are either growing closer together or growing farther apart. There is no staying the same. Romantic love is about life and growing together.

I've also learned that sometimes we are drawn to others for specific reasons and when those reasons have been achieved the relationship seems to fall apart. When the spark is gone we have shared all that we are capable of sharing. But there is another spark that does not die and we get to choose how we want to spend the rest of our lives, together or apart.

While it's true that we are each connected at some level to everyone else, there are certain people that we are more attracted to than others. The degree of this attraction depends upon the intensity and the type of energy that we share. Soul mates share specific chakra energies. Divine counterparts share the full spectrum of soul energies. We are drawn to those people that we are ready for. I've encountered each of these on my journey and its not over yet!


Instead of a straight forward comment i want to open a dialogue with each separation in written word so there's 5 sections ill number them.

1-There is no better feeling than laying down at night with someone beside you, sometimes the further we get at moments the closer we are to becoming whole, it is tough to know but furthermore and as well sometimes we are not ready to face the cosmic energy, karma feedback that comes in this life and we separate, or take the easier path, however, take heed ,we will come back to earth to complete this and face what must be faced as the divine partner cannot have us with the ignorance within, as well, this works both ways, but again really we are one with our significant other she/he awaits at the divine door , ...This is what the great unknown has taught oneself if we ever want to become whole is what fills my soul.

2-Indeed my Friend Indeed, the sharing of the Twin souls or the Perfect Matrimony etc etc, is something hardly understood in this day in age as there are 4 women as one...(sometimes people say a lot more )....but truly 4 ..Eve Venus the instinctive women.....then Venus Eve the women of the Home........Venus Urania this one is the Women initiated into the greater Mysteries and we can travel if connected through many dimensions with ......and then the Female Adept the deeply realized woman Urania Venus. As the Christ speaks of different Marys however the same...but i can't go to deep in this one at moment

3-Indeed Well said Indeed my friend.

4-To keep it short to oneself this one would say...if you remember the one thing you were supposed to remember upon incarnation'll then know the other Two....which are multiplied henceforth infinitely....until they are not.

5-Much the same as i have already commented..i could add some dialogue to discuss but i feel as tho i have left a long comment at this moment so i will end it here.

Great Post, Beautiful
Thank You Kindly

Thanks for your interesting comments. Discussion is great but I don't know how it works here without the posts getting lost? I have always been led to the proper partner at the proper time and continue to believe that we are led if we allow ourselves to listen to our hearts.

While I have been led to several love relationships the intensity of the energies has also caused a burnout effect that I've had trouble accepting at times. By this I mean that triangles and outright differences of opinion seem to eventually force standoffs that terminate the relationships when they have done what they were meant to do.

I've experienced nine different cycles with nine different women in which the sharing of soul energies was spiritual and not necessarily sexual although at times it was. In all cases these were powerful upon the astral planes and each created a different astral body for the addition of my soul. So my soul has grown in layers through these experiences from the highest levels down to the lowest levels. As the result of the last cycle my etheric body has been permanently activated and I function in a truly multidimensional way with constant awareness of several astral planes at the same time as the physical plane. Its hard to describe.

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