
in #life7 years ago

Few things can strike fear into the hearts of people like the word chaos. In sword and sorcery fantasies the forces of order are often locked in an eternal battle against the forces of chaos. The hero is a mere pawn that is used by these titanic forces only to be cast aside when no longer needed. At all costs the delicate balance between the two must be kept. That's how it is in the stories.

Most world religions claim the universe was created out of the void or out of chaos. Many of these religions believe that someday the universe will once more return to the mysterious void from whence it came.

Chaos has been linked in our minds with evil and confusion. To behold the face of chaos is to go insane.It Is ever-changing, constant motion that has no order and is completely random.

At least this is been the case in the past. Today the study of chaos is one of the most exciting areas of science that exists. Chaos theory is at the heart of a new science and a new spirituality. An understanding of some of the basics of this new science is essential before continuing.

Before we confront madness itself, a little disclaimer is in order. I don't claim to understand chaos or to have any serious degree of sanity, I do however, have quite chaotic thought processes which should count for something. The pondering of imponderables will be kept to an absolute minimum, that is a promise I seriously intend to keep.

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