in #life6 years ago (edited)


I’ve also come to realize that life is similar the game of football.

Your life would pass you by as does the 90 minutes over which the game of football is played. As the game of football is played over 90 minutes, so is life lived over an accepted span of 70 years.

Unlike in football where your opponent can be seen, in life I believe that your opponent is life itself.
If half-time of football is in the 45th minute, then for life it should be at 35 years. Statistics has it that in football, most goals are scored between the 40-45 minutes and generally more goals are scored in the second half than in the first.

This is obvious because coaches would have understood the pattern of play of their opponents and at recess, figured out how to approach the second half. Remember that the chances are 50:50 for either team and I believe the same holds for us in the second half of the game of life.

So if the chances are going to be 50:50 for either team in the second half, would it not be better to take the lead before halftime? Because, then, at least you would have an edge so all you need to do is consolidate or protect your lead. This is because in the second half, life would have also studied your pattern and she’s going to pay you back for how you utilized your first half.


And if you disagree with me, listen carefully to this; in the second half of any football game, most players have already built up exhaustion and become more prone to injury.

Any major tackle and you could be hurt beyond recovery hence the need to be substituted.
Talk about frequent joint aches, life-threatening health conditions, low energy levels, hypertension and all, they don’t usually hit you in your first half but in the second. Thus, if you’ve not achieved anything for your life prior to that then it is game over for you.

Life is definitely going to pay you back for all the choices you made in your first half.

There’s karma, karma for all the weed you’ve smoked, all the dudes and chics, the chill and all that vice. And there’s also karma for the midnight toil. It’s Garbage In, Garbage Out!

And my dear friends, it wouldn’t get any better as the game wears on.
Oh! Yes I believe in miracles, and it’s possible for you to make it, even if late, in the second half and all. That’s true but the probabilities are lesser.

Our own president, His Excellency Nana Akuffo Addo, was president at 72…and come to think of it, that must be injury time, right? Wow! That’s like scoring a penalty in injury time oo.

I suggest we all take in a deep breath, look within ourselves and determine where we are in this game of life. Are we in our first half, or second half, or it’s injury time? Are we in control of the game AND more importantly, what’s the score? Are we in the lead? Is it a draw or we are trailing?


Folks, your life is going to pass you by like that if you don’t make use of time. If you check out the history of most people, I believe, you admire, you’d find out that at half-time, they were either already prepared or had even started charting their journey to significance.

A cursory glance at you all tells me you are likely to be in your first half…or should I say looks are deceptive?

In any case, this is the time for you to be hungry for skill. With energy on your side, I’d urge you to take control of the game now so you can have an edge over life by halftime.


It is only in Africa that 40 is still classified as youth, but, charley they dey lie.
We grow! And in this new world, you are only considered phenomenal when you excel in your strides while under 40.

Go out there and DO WHAT YOU’VE GOT TO DO!

All Photos Were downloaded from UnSplash

This is @anaman from #SteemitGhana, #SteemitAshanti


Seriously this writeup has a very deep insight in it. Life is just too scary and unpredictable, because nobody knows what the next chapter entails.

This catches my attention. . Should life be too scary? I think we can master the art . And be able to even tell how the match will end dont you think?

To master the game is the problem, we need to be vigil and prepared to be able to do that. I believe it is possible but take painstaking hard work and self-discipline to get there

I see... nice

You are right about that anyway, but life is unpredictable most time not even in today's world where people are not being compensated for their efforts but connections.

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

Life is definitely going to pay you back for all the choices you made in your first half.

No doubt about that!!! @anaman.

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Thanks for tasting the eden!

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