life, myself, a flower.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Little bit boring, little bit beautiful, deep and colorful, fuzzy around the edges, imperfect with bumps and lines, under appreciated, the same as many others, yet one of a kind.

Life, myself, a flower.


You are so much more! People will see a flower for a flower. And then there are some that see all those intricate details. The veins showing beautiful life, the blending of colors showing the capacities of what it takes to be beautiful. The soft skin and the strong and vibrant colours on the inside; deep and strong, full of amazement and proud to be what it is ^_^


Beautiful Reply

😉 😊 😋

Nothing to add...

We are all unique and our uniqueness holds dreams of different colors. May your dreams be vivid and intricate like the colors and patterns of that flower.

Hi @yidneth! I have been wanting to cross your path. Was going to stop by your blog actually! To say hello 🌸💖🌸 but, i see you here! Hope all is well in your life! Wishing you much peace, joy and love.

Thank you. There have been some complicated weeks but on the mend. Thanks for the kind wishes.

It is such a gift to hear your voice in my yoga classes!! I am blessed by you! The last full moon was SO intense. I felt jostled around by it alot. I hope you are feeling nice and grounded now. All is well.

Thank you Priscilla <3 <3

You are loyal, integrated and flower fields do not hide your print shows your advantages and disadvantages obvious, surprising what around you especially as you express your opinion loud and bold do not know the slag and in friendship as in love Your passion sincere to the farthest limits
You are very upscale in your behavior and your way of talking, but you are very frank, but as an elegant and brilliant woman in the development of what you want to say in a smooth and soft shape in love you are fun and smart you push Your leg is forward and you have confidence in yourself

Beautifully poetic and uplifting response as always Walid, thank you for your time and consideration <3 <3 <3

Flowers so often, to me anyway, are everything! Peace, love & joy to you and yours @amymya

Thank you Jill! Yes, I love them, so many around me right now and all so beautiful in different ways.

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