Java and Android software development --Part-05
What is a keyword
Keywords mean there are certain words for the Rizav ward that means there are some words, but we can not change it even if we want to.
How many types of keywords are in Java?
There are 50 keywords in Jawa.
Will we still understand the meaning of all keywords?
I will not understand anything and I will not understand anything but I will understand everything to come in. Insha-Allah
Below the keywords:
Abstract release for new switch assert default geto package synchronized boolean do if private this break double implements protected throw byte else import public throws case enum instanceof return transient catch extends int short try char final interface static void class end long strictfp volatile const float native super while
Each keyword is separated by keyword space.
Now we will see a few keywords
That means the integer computer can understand it is a full number. Hopefully they understand that they have a certain meaning.
This means that it is a class file. Do not understand the keyword in a day. We will learn all the keywords by shaking the course
What is an identifier?
Identifier is class, variable, package, method, interface name. There are some rules for writing this identifier, we have to abide by it.
The rules are given below.
Rules of writing identifier
Keywords can not be written with. Eg int float double
Numeric numbers can not be started with such a. 1num 2num 3num
No special codes can be used without dollar sign and under scroll. Eg: & num #num
Identity can not be kept in the middle of it, such as num ber num twor episode.
Some Valid Identifier
Int sum
Int num
Int $ sum
Int number;
Int num2num;
Int sum2;
Int sum3;
Some Un Valid Identifier
Int 2num
Int 3num
Int 5num
Int & d
Int & sum
Int & ar
Int @s
Int #asif
Int #numbertwo
Int num two
Int num three
Int num five
Let's know if you do not understand come.