Amirified - The Story Behind The Safe House for Creativity - Blog 7

in #life6 years ago

So most people who have read my so-called blogs know that I run a charity house for orphans and abused children. It might not be clear that I'm not the main guy in front of the camera and that it won't survive if it wasn't for the work of one Hisham Al-Dhahaby ًwho is the main brain behind the orphanage. What people don't know are the specifics behind how we started (Some general stuff are found here

Now it comes to no surprise that Iraq has problems with kids filling up the streets, picking up labors at early age. such things can be pretty dangerous both to the kids and the country in general (I talk about that here
There's also a growing epidemic growing in Iraq of children being abused by their parents ( our charity orphanage works hard to help children and kids in both categories and ensures they get the food, clothing, and education they need to thrive, as well as grow their creative talents.

The specific story of how this is all started comes to this kid

Waleed was found by Hisham. Hisham and I were half-assed looking for government support to start our charity. So Hisham thought he'd document this kid's situation before taking him in, just a little picture of the kid sleeping wouldn't be the end of the world. Hisham tried to awaken the kid but no use, he checked his pulse and found none. So he rushed the kid to the hospital where the doctor not only couldn't save him but actually told Hisham that the kid has been dead for at least 8 hours. When Hisham showed the picture I remembered seeing this kid before as he used to beg in my area. And till today I live with deep regret that I didn't help him and feel his death resting on my conscious. Hisham's situation isn't better as he had seen the kid many times as the place he was begging in was on Hisham's way to work.Months passed since the incident. I traveled away again. But neither I or Hisham were able to fully move on from that picture. that picture from a rusty old film camera. That picture now lies in Hisham's office at the orphanage, reminding him and I of the children we failed to save. It serves as a reminder that it's never too early for us to start acting and initiating.

It is actually the main reason I even joined steemit in the first place. As everything I make here would be used to help out children of Iraq and that I'd use this platform to spread their message. Sometimes I wonder whether I should be doing and asking everybody I see for donations, but I was always turned off by those who shove their causes up your faces in that judging tone that you could almost hear them call you an asshole just because you haven't donated enough. Plus not to brag but I think my comedy and other work would get more attention than any cheap method would ;)


keep up your incredible work.

by the way, i delegated 2,240 SP to you for a week :)

Yeah dude thanks a lot, They're in good hands..... probably.

i can't imagine you putting your well invested steem power in better hands, great choice!

Well, I guess they weren't good house after all......

what happened man

The account is recovered now, but it was hacked early morning, recovered it now.

ok. i was told to undelegate to your account, so i still owe you some delegation. will take some time though since there is a 7 day cool down period before i get control of the SP again.

glad you recovered the account

Dude, you don't owe anything, the small time I had was amazing for me. And considering what happened after. I think it should go to those who deserve it.

It's all good. Still planning to follow through, just going to be a week or two.

hey @dhouse, lets chat in discord we have some ideas and folks like you are the kind of leaders we're looking for

what do you want to chat about. im not much of a leader, im just a guy

come join me in comedyopenmic discord, will fill you in there...

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