Join a social project

in #life6 years ago

Social project Nepal

Our globe is developing rapidly. Day by day, less people suffer hunger, ilnesses or poverty. You are probably sitting in a comfy chair right now and smile. But I'm telling you that there's still a lot of work to do. In fact, 22'000 children are dying each and every day, because of poverty, according to UNICEF.

Because of this situation on our globe, which is still devastating, I personally decided to join a social project last year. And this was one of the best decisions of my life. I joined a really nice group of people in Europe, to build a small library in the center of Nepal. The preparation process was really tough, but at the same time you felt good, because you knew that the more and better you prepare, the better the project will be at the end. Therefore we prepared for two weeks, got all the funding and flew to Nepal. We stayed at a small Motel which was O.K., but we knew that we'll only be there to sleep, so it wasn't a problem. Then after some hours in Nepal we went to the kindergarten where we wanted to build the library. And the moment we stepped out of our bus, all the kids ran to us and hugged us. They were wonderful. And we felt that we had a connection to them starting from the first moment when we met them.

Nepal kids.jpg

The time with the kids was amazing. And surprisingly, we couldn't only teach them stuff which we knew, they could also teach us a lot of things. They were really good craftsmen, for example.

At our last day at the kindergarten, we opened the library and everyone was happy about it. Then after that, we had to say goodbye and that was really hard, because during the time there, we really bonded with the kids.

At this project I learned a lot of valuable lessons, which you will never learn in your entire life if you will not join a social project similar to this one. There are hundreds of options. Search a project you're interested in and just go for it.

Lessons I've learned:

  • Living in poverty
  • Beeing happy, even if I have nothing
  • We are all equal and I have to help as many people as possible
  • Money isn't everything (We could've also just send money to the kindergarten there, but it was rather the human connection between us volunteers and the children, which was even more important than the ressources we brought there)

Resteem if you think more people should do social projects

Thanks to everyone who read this article. Please don't forget to comment if you have anything interesting to add. And please leave an upvote and follow me, if the stuff I write is interesting for you. ;)

I'm really looking forward to publish more and more stuff and would be happy for every single steemian which supports me on my way.

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