Ulog:Warning, nasty burn photos

in #life5 years ago (edited)

So I have these photos in my phone for months now. I am thinking why not share. Maybe this can be helpful to others who experience burn. That was on the month of April that it happens suddenly. I am not new in the kitchen you know; I cook my food every single day. But, it was just so unfortunate that the oil in the pan was hot and I used spoon mistakenly. It was an old pan that was not flat. The oil stayed at the side so I grabbed the spoon to scoop some oil and scatter it evenly to the whole surface. Then whoop, it went to my poor left hand that was holding the pan securely. My mind froze and it was like there was no pain at all. I run the faucet and let my hand in it for a while, but then I still had the egg that was needed to fry so I continued my cooking too while going back to the water too. I was eating then my ever special scrambled egg cook with passion and the tingling starting to creep me out. I was looking for something to ease the uncomfortable pain that was increasing. It started to became reddish. I went out looking for and ice cubes . It was a huge mistake. I was thinking applying ice will lessen the unfamiliar. I did buy 1 pack of ice cubes at the 7/11 and I put in a basin and directly rubbed it on the burn. What I did was very wrong. An ice can make the burn worst. I only knew that after I have read it online searching of something to cure it. Seriously I was not thinking straight. I had no clear thinking at that time too so that was why. Gladly, I did not put ice that long.
Experiencing the whole time from the first day and the waiting for it to heal was so incredibly long. I wanted to fast forward the days. I could only wish. There was days that I thought it was not getting any better, left me anxious. I just self medicate. Well that was because I felt I could still handle it. Yes, you can handle that kind of burn but it sure was a hassle. It was in the hand so doing things like washing and most of our daily chores got surely affected. During that time, I had not hand wash my laundry as I always do. I brought it at the laundry shop. The burn was in the top of the thumb so I could still do most of my job too. The laundry was exception because I could not let the detergent in the wound. That would be a torture.textgram_1567838371[1].png

I bought plaster and burn ointment. At first it was just a reddish patch. The next day, the blister started to form. It started a little bum and then it covers all where the oil hit. The size of a spoon. I needed to cover it and let it pop itself. Yup, that is the right thing to do. Wait until it just pop and do not prick it. Sometimes you can be tempted to do so but please refrain. One thing to keep in mind is to avoid infection. Best to keep it clean at all times. Two days from swollen, it did pop when I was sleeping. I noticed that the bandage was stain in the morning. By the way, when it was still a blister the tingling pain is not that bad. When it pops it was the most painful time just as I remember it was. I let it be and clean it as always and the ointment was really helpful. For a 5grams tube it was expensive but it really did its job. It was 350 pesos in a local pharmacy. As the days went by, I also use a leaf from my aloe Vera plant. It will also helps to cure inflammation and its cooling paste felt wonderful in my burn. I also bought a lavender essential oil. I mixed a couple of drops with the coconut oil and rub it gently to the wound before sleeping. When I woke up one day not feeling the pain, it was one of the happiest days.So much of a relief that was. It came the day that it became a scar. You forgot the pain and being thankful that it was healed completely.textgram_1567838508[1].png

But then, the scar is still there, you hope dearly it will disappear too because it is kind of nasty to see. Months pass and the scar is still here but not that obvious. I am thankful with that. This is keeping to remind me not to ever use spoon while dealing with hot oil. You really need to change the pan when it is not in good shape already. Be stingy not to the things that you need. If you are thinking buying a new set of pan is a waste, it is not. Replace it if you are able to. Keep safe.

Lastly, I was bidding goodbye to the pan that serve me for the longest time. Looking forward also for more cooking with this newly bought pan. I hope this will last. Bye.


Aloe Vera is now the first thing I go to for burns. I keep a leavfin the fridge ready to go, so it's nice and cool. Someone recently mentioned that it has been used on very severe burns with good results. I wonder if continued application would help with the scar too.

Posted using Partiko Android

I have not thought about that. Good idea putting it in fridge and nice to know that it really does wonder in burns. I may add too, I had canker lately and it very good. It only takes 2days for it to heal. I will keep putting it my scar and see if it will works.😊

Posted using Partiko Android

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