How I Motivate My Students After 7 Years of Teaching

in #life7 years ago

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Very early on in my teaching career, I was taught that the most important aspect of teaching was motivation. The problem with this is not the theories nor the different concepts, but how do we, as educators motivate our students to learn. How do we push them to do better in an increasingly academically demanding world.

The easiest way to that is to make learning fun. That is indeed the best way, but not always possible. There are times where a teacher would be required to choose between being fun and to prepare the students for their exams. While I love a fun class, I feel it is also my duty to push my students to do their best and to do anything and everything to their fullest potential.

To find out how to motivate my students better, I did a study to find out what exactly stops the students from doing well in the classroom. The results were not surprising but it should be noted that it is only representative of either upper secondary or university students. It is entirely different in the context of younger children.

The Stumbling Block

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The first thing that I found out from my data was something called the stumbling block. Most of the students identified something that is holding them back. For example, a lot of my university students found it difficult to do their assignments due to the lack of time. The lack of time however is not their stumbling block. Upon further probing, it turns out that they would play computer games with their friends until the 3 am in the morning. This causes them to have very little time for anything else and upon a few tweaks to their time management, they were able to accomplish much more.

Motivating students while extremely important does require first identifying what is holding them back. Once the stumbling block is identified, it gets easier to help the student do better. While this may be difficult initially, it removes a large obstacle from the student's life. The next step would be to motivate the students to achieve further and higher since that one thing holding them back has been removed.

However, there are some who feel that it is just pointless to study. They feel that they can achieve their dreams without education. This is true in certain circumstances, especially if the student has an extensive plan for a startup or project. I would definitely encourage the students to pursue their dream.

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However, there are those who think that a million dollars would drop at their feet without them having to lift a finger. This however, would lead me to point out something else to help them push themselves harder.

The Future

When one is going through a difficult time, be it enduring the arduous task of completing countless assignments or studying for a major exam, I would normally help motivate them by switching their focus from the current difficult task to a better future.

I once had a student who absolutely hated the subject I teach. The only reason that student stayed was because of my awesome personality. Ok, she did not have a choice, it was a mandatory class, you got me. She was a difficult student and no matter how I tried, she would not do any of the tasks given. So I sat down and spoke to her about the future that awaited her if she did not do well. She was receptive, not because I was convincing but because she knew of the difficulties that she would face if she did not perform. She also knew that to pursue her dream, it was essential that she did well academically, no matter how much she disliked it.

The Journey

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I normally am given a slot to speak to students under my care every Monday. After a long weekend of fun, the students will normally be tired and unhappy with coming back to classes. I would share with them the best time of my life and the journey that led me to who I am.

I would share of the toughest times. I would share of how it was not easy in my studies nor my career. However, each hardship, each lesson learnt has made me wiser and better at what I do. Whatever happens, I would tell them to embrace the lessons learnt and do their best. It is better to do your best and look back without regrets instead of not giving your all.

That has been the the ways in which I motivate my students. I hope this helps you in your teaching and mentoring of the next generation. Steem on!



Motivate them by love

That is always a good way to go.

great post.thank you so much!

You're welcome

It would be great if more teachers had the same mindset @alvinauh!
Glad to see that you care about your students! Out of curiosity, what do you teach? :)

Hey there, I used to be an English teacher. Then I got into training teachers, focusing on exams and E-learning research. That's the sum of my career..haha

Nicely written, @alvinauh. I can connect to you and your post in so many different ways. What can be tricky is the inability to see and perceive 'the stumbling block' - often times they don't realize it until someone pointed it out. And then, supporting them to learn will be so much easier. Thank you for sharing! :)

No problem, that is true. There is also the issue of identifying the wrong stumbling block. I suppose in the end, it does come with much practice and experience, only way to achieve that is through constant practice =)

So true, practice and experience. :D

Teacher have been my main source of motivation especially when I'm stuck at something or dont know what decision to make. Even until now I still connected to some of my teachers from my school days and still asking them for some advice on things. I don't know why but no matter what their answer is, it has always made my day...

Wow, you must have some really really awesome teachers. A lot of people I now normally don't seek advice from their teachers. Yours must be a superstar!

I totally understand that motivations are lost sometimes where you're feeling lost and didn't know what to do. I've done a teaching volunteering overseas before when students just don't want to pay attention or taking me like a joke. I'll be extremely disappointed and just head-banging to the wall, asking myself what can I do better to enhance their attention. Also, sometimes, my mood is sunk to the bottom of the earth, where everything is just so not right. But, I am glad that you found your motivation and continuing to inspire the future generations :)

I know how you feel. I used to teach part time when I was studying overseas. Ultimately, its about connecting for me, some of them do 'give in' and accept me. There are some hardcore ones who don't care, but like all things, winning hearts take time. Do persevere! Looking at your posts, I'm sure your stories will definitely capture the attention of many.

That's absolutely true!! I find that it's harder to get engagement from older students than the young ones. But, that are truly some precious memories I had back then in Taiwan! :) Thanks for dropping by the other day :)

Then make sure they will hear every single word from us.
Hi @alvinauh, well done, i'm an educator too, indonesian, do you mind to visit my account @jamanfahmi sometimes?
Almost all of my post is about education, we can share each other the information as a good teacher.

Yes. This will help in my teaching and mentoring, am glad you used your experience to encourage people. I also like the part of making learning fun.
Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for dropping by! I'm glad that it has helped

Yes .. i definitely believe the teacher's motivation is important. I do facilitation and empowerment for youth seasonally and i feel what intent we give and what value we wanted to give them in life is crucial. Great to see another teacher is teaching and motivating with love! Keep going!

Hey. .i found out u are in LBTW ! I am usually there very often. Maybe could meet another LBTW steemian soon? :)

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