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RE: Are you living or burying your dreams?

in #life6 years ago

All it takes to live your life to the fullest is courage – nothing more and nothing less. This sounds rather minimalist and easy to cope with – but a lack of courage is a key factor that prevents most people from living their lives to the fullest. These people aren’t necessarily cowards or scared-chicken – not at all – as they are simply being stuck with their quite comfortable everyday routines.
there are some dreams that you do not want to end
trust God irrespective of any situation


When I've been given difficult art commissions to do, I always took up the challenge with courage. And sometimes I wonder if I'm mad enough do it. And then I say to myself, why not, all that can happen is that it doesn't out, but from the experience I've learnt a lot from it. And most times things work out, because I planned my moves and considered everything from every angle. So why was I worried in the first place? Yes, I can say courage pays a big part, you're right.

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