This is my rabbit. There are many like him, but this one is pure evil.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Never get a cute little fluffy rabbit. Here is why. Rabbit is gonna kill any low voltage gadget you got plugged in: Smartphone charger, Christmas lights, PC mice. If you're really looking in to get one, you can kiss these items goodbye. My rabbit kills electronic like Kim Jong Un kills American spys . That's not all. Books, furniture, kandles, you name it he is biting it. A beast straght from hell I tell you. Not to mention he has no manners, pising and shiting all over the apartment. Yeah, I got a hand full of rabbit shit.

I can tolerate all of that but he started to attack my daughters. Not cool, rabbit, not cool. My youngest daughter calls him shit rabbit. So he got him self exiled. He lives now in my chill room. Bastard once ate half of my joint when I went for a beer. Not cool! That was the thirtieth time I wanted to kill him. And beer! Oh he loves beer and gets annoying if I keep it to my self. So my wife is the rebbit specialist now. She gave me the task to take care of the rabbit/kids relationships. It was a disaster. He turned on me. I think his intention was to get to my youngest daughter. It was a five minute fight and he made four holes in my trousers. Mother fucking beast. So I dominated him by pressing him down with my palm. And it works good now for me but my kids are to scared to do that. If you ask me three kilograms of rabbit would end up im my belly after the incident. But no can do because of my wife. So if you steemers look into geting a pet get a comodo dragon. He won't fool you by his looks like rabbits do! That's a good tip ladies and gentlemen, keep it in mind.


Nice Rabbit there


Wabbit stew: Fill wabbit-sized pot with water, bring to boil. Add rocks and wabbit, simmer for 36 hours, allow to cool. Then eat the rocks.

You really didn't need to hold the rabbit shit in your hand, your photo resolution is quite good and we could see it fine if you left it on the floor.

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