Today's question: What are the sources of your energy?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

This is one of my favorite questions in the coaching sessions. And a very powerful one, revealing a lot of resources for the moments we need a quick boost to keep going.

So get prepared for your not so good days with a list of those things that make you feel good and fill your bucket.
I will share with you some of mine:

1. Reading

As I mentioned yesterday, reading is my own escape gate and when I'm having a bad time and I am alone is the best thing I can do to get a new vibe.

2. All activities with him

No matter how down I am, the moment I can talk about this with my loved one everything fits in the place. And all discussions are great opportunities to learn about me, about him, about the world.

3. Animals

I transform when a fluffy little creature is beside me. I can't stop smiling when I see them, especially in their environment. I'm just amazed about how beautiful they all are and how focused on their own living.

4. Mountains

This is not something accessible every time I don't feel good but I charge a lot after a weekend hiking and this keeps my energy level up for many days after.

And more...

short jokes, long conversations, listening to music, mornings without an alarm clock, meeting good friends, long walks, colors, silent moments, trees in flower, dancing, smiles, faces of small children, skiing, sunrises and sunsets, old movies, hugging, wearing scarfs, making gifts...and more.

What are those things that give you energy each day?


Source of energy? Hm... I think I have an awesome fountain with tons of energy. :)
But of course something should fulfil the fountain. In short any enjoyable thing.

And what is enjoyable?:)

I thinkthe biggest resource energy for me is nature and it;s "voice", especially mountains and sea.
Good talks, also can came with a lot of energy boost. Growing ideas. and many others. I think can be interesting to monitor this, for 1-2-3 weeks to see day by day what is the energy source. :)

I think every and each thing in my life gives me energy to live my life.A nice idea friend.Hope you like my post too.

Than I would ask what takes away from you the energy?

I ignored some of those sources your post is great thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Each of us have our own sources, I'm sure that some of mine ar energy drainers for other people

My source of energy is A Smile from Her :)

The energy of love:)

Leafs, flowers, noises. Today a brave squirrel looked me in the eyes cu curiosity, come close to my feet and pose for a thought. Made my morning for sure :)

My principals sources of energy are love, good friends, family and sometime music. I forgot something...and Steemit :)

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