Reading....a dying tradition

in #life6 years ago


This will be the inscription on the door of my library when I have my own library one day. To me reading books is everything. It is my life. You know how your mouth waters when you see a chocolate cake or your heart skips a beat when a cute guy smiles at you that are what happens to me whenever I see bookstores, libraries, anything related with books. People say that life is the thing but I prefer reading. Whenever someone talks about paradise, an image of a library comes into my mind.
“These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves.” Gilbert Highet.
Nowadays the tradition of reading books is dying. Today all our generation wants to do is surf the internet, play play station, use I pods and cell phones and not to forget use facebook. They think that reading books is work and boring. Book addicts like me suffer because of these stupid people. I was appalled to learn from a classmate that she finds reading books a burden. According to her she can waste her time sitting around but can’t read because it takes a lot of work. Today we the teenagers are so useless. I see people who have no hobbies no interests and they think that creative writing and reading books is work. The other day I was shocked to learn that the people of Greece read more books than the whole Gulf Countries together do.
“Books open your mind, broaden your mind and strengthen you as nothing else can.” William Feather
Reading books imparts knowledge on different subjects and increases the depth about the subjects as well. It also expands our horizons and makes us aware about the facts and figures of the outside world. Reading is best for our thinking ability. It contributes in making us smarter and increases our vocabulary and our writing skills as well. Reading also improves our power of imagination as it takes us to another world. Reading books build self esteem within us by making us an expert on particular topic. Books make us more creative and increase our creativity skills. It is observed that teenagers who love reading have comparatively higher I.Qs. They are more creative and have more imagination. Reading helps in mental development. Reading is an activity that involves greater level of concentration and adds to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an indulgence that enhances the knowledge acquired, consistently.
Reading books is like a total new world. Through the different characters and storyline, you get to imagine and live so many other lives. You get to decide what character you want to be and your inner self comes out. Your imagination stretches to the farthest point and you can imagine whatever you want. You get to experience stuff you wouldn’t have done otherwise.
I know you guys will call me insane but reading books is magic. If you don’t read books then trust me you are the biggest fool ever and you have no idea what things you are missing out on. You are missing out on magic. You are missing out on so many lives and so many adventures, so many crimes, tragedies, fights, jokes, mysteries, and a whole other world.
I get to live so many lives. I get to be so many characters. Sometimes I am Harry Potter and I just do stuff without thinking about the consequences and I give myself to Lord Voldemort to prevent hurting others. Then I am Edmund Dantes and I survive the prison dungeons and I wait patiently to take revenge and I become the Count of Monte Cristo. Recently, I was Rose Hathaway, I ran away from St Vladimirs (Vampire school) to protect my best friend Lissa Dragomir and right now I am the guardian of the Moroi Queen who also happens to be my best friend. I get to be in If Tomorrow Comes and Master Of the Games by Sidney Sheldon who is known as the Master of the Unexpected and Kane and Abel and Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less by Jeffrey Archer which are some of my all time favourite books.
“The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.” James Bryce.
Books teach you so much. At the end of every single book, you learn something. You learn a lesson of life. It is often that books change lives of people, maybe based on real life expeditions or true stories. In this way books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labelled “This could change your life”.
Let books be your dining table,
And you shall be full of delights
Let them be your mattress,
And you shall sleep restless nights.


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