Lawful rebellion a common law right

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Thought it was time to remind people what common law rights stand for? and that everyone of of us have them, as it seams from conversations i have had recently people seam bemused when i mention common law rights, by what they actually are? if they have them, or even if they exist at all? well they most certainly do and you have more power then you could imagine if you can empty the corrupt indoctrinated bull crap those that would like to tell you otherwise out of your head? first off ask yourself what is authority? what and who has it? how is it obtained? if some one no matter whether there in a uniform or wear a black gown or are a king queen president or prime minister say they have it over you? who gave it to them? i could go on but will leave it there for now! the answer to all the above is "you" by consenting and bending to there will at the expence of your own it really is that simple.
Now the question is.. is it lawful to submit to there will under duress against your own especially if it is a crime like extortion in the way of paying fines and taxes or any civil rule for that matter, without factual evidence that they actually have any authority at all ie, in the way of a written lawful contract or document? they wont have one of course because they dont exist and again it is only out of your own consent mostely under forced duress (which is a crime) that you comply to there authority and that comes from not knowing your common law rights. the world is like it is because most have surrendered these rights and a lot of the older generations have not taught them and past them on, thats why society stinks with corruption crime and greed, its time to put it right and im glad that platforms like steemit have come about and decentralised from the sensored crap like face ache youtube and the rest that is trying shut out the truth? please read the article in the link below to try and under stand what i have just said and how to excercise your rights! if we all or the majority followed and done this, the world would indeed be a better place.


It is sad that so many people do not know that have rights. They come through the public school/indoctrination center where they are not taught anything of value after about grade five. The only thing they are taught is how to succumb to authority real or imagined. All people like us can do is try to share the knowledge and hope more and more people wake up the corruption and oppression.

yes sad indeed glen, we can try and keep on trying i was brought up that way and taught it by parents and one good old history teacher, but i was not exceptional as lot of us older generation were taught the sameway in those days!

This was an interesting post Alfred. And it is nice talking to you on Steemspeak.

thanks richard not many will understand it but we will keep trying!

hey jacobts it was a pleasure! great to chat to you to, will have more i am sure!

Anyone from any country can take back their power, under common law for free at

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