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RE: My Ex is Trying to Prevent Me from Seeing My Son...

in #life5 years ago

Thank you, @streetstyle for sharing your story and the upvote. You are right, this post was mainly for venting. Unfortunately, I saw this as necessary. When I was a kid, I grew up with divorced parents and I would always wonder WHY i could never find out the truth... The truth of why my life was so hard, why their lives were so hard, and frankly why the family just felt like a broken mess... I am not the kind of guy to hide the truth from anybody. When my son asks me this same question in the future, I won’t hesitate to let him know it was her who not only destroyed our relationship, but destroyed our communication, and caused this mess with the court system.

She lost me my only friend her in town (which is why I texted her those angry things that she posted here out of context). He was really my best friend and she got him angry and me and also got HIS friends and business partners angry at him as well. Within 24 hours of causing me to lose my friend, she causes me to lose my son (temporarily). That to me is a sign of a cold-blooded savage. She has no remorse for anything she does and she never apologizes for anything because she claims to never have done anything wrong and just blames other people. I really wish it hadn’t come to this, but this was the choice she made, for us to be enemies instead of co-parents. I was really going above and beyond being a parent, having our son while she would go out and do ANYTHING, any extra curricular activities she wanted to do, I would drop everything to watch our son just so she could enjoy herself. This is because I am a very loving and thoughtful guy until I am completely betrayed by somebody, at which point I have no problem revealing the truth about what happened.

I hope this doesn’t seem too harsh to anybody, because it is what it is, and it’s just all-around unfortunate and I didn’t ask for it to happen and surely our son didn’t ask for it either. She will likely call me abusive in court (due to those texts) however she was just as abusive if not more, to me, during our actual relationship. She is truly a perfectionist in the worst way and would yell at me over any imperfection in the house (dishes, laundry, you name it). It’s unfortunate that she chooses to be this way but it is ultimately her life to live. With all this being said, anybody with 1 synapse and some brain juice will know a kid needs both his parents, which is where she made the greatest mistake, claiming this is in his best interests. Right now, he probably has zero of his parents, since she has to communicate and strategize with lawyers and I am unable to see him. Which means he is probably with her parents, wondering where his parents are and why things are changing. He was just getting used to our schedule and then she ripped that away from him and now he is likely confused and scared. I don’t think that is right at all, and I think it will take the courts a matter of seconds to see that. I am glad that you didn’t have to go thru the courts but it still sucks you have to drive that far to pick up your kids, that really sucks. Again, thanks for everything and I really appreciate feeling like I have some friends here on this blockchain (:

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