10 wacky techniques that should be avoided to the seller.

in #life7 years ago

  1. The answer is not caused to the customer objections
    Anticipate objections that may occur at the client, and to prepare them reasonable answer — it is a good idea. But to raise these issues itself is a terrible idea, so you create a problem that likely does not exist. In addition, in this case it seems that you defend and are not sure about the real value your business offers.
    How to fix: don't start sentences with, "You may think..." or "Perhaps you're asking yourself..."

  2. The provision of "next turn" to the client
    I've read dozens of so-called commercial offers that end with the offer to the customer to call or write to the seller, "if you are interested" or "to learn more". People who send these letters always complain that they almost have no answer. No wonder you're asking the customer to do your work for you.

How to fix: Keep the ball on their side. Complete commercial offer, with phrases like: "I'll call you next week to discuss whether we should discuss it further".

  1. The desire to sell options, not the results
    Incredibly, some people (usually marketers) believe that customers buy the product because it has the desired functions. So they ottarabanivayut a list of these functions, hoping that at least one will attract the attention of the buyer. In fact customers are only interested in the results of buying the product and how it will affect their life and their business.

How to fix: find Out why a customer buys your product and not someone else. And sell him this result, relying on the function to confirm your ability to provide results.

  1. Fake familiarity
    Whether you like it or not, but in that moment, when someone sees in you, "man, I trying to sell something", you enter into a difficult and long battle for his confidence. In these circumstances, the worst thing you can do is start to suck up and flatter. The most striking manifestation is cheerful question "How are you doing today?" at the beginning of the first conversation with the client. This people are just sick.

How to fix: Be courteous and professional, but nothing more — until the moment when you will not have a genuinely friendly relationship (which usually takes at least several weeks).

  1. Too fast sending commercial offers
    Sometimes, these documents help to bring the deal, but in most cases the request (and writing) commercial offer happens after the potential client has already identified his problem, and possibly to formulate the solution. Before this can be a waste of time.

How to fix: Write commercial proposal only after it has reached a verbal agreement.

  1. The seller says more than listening
    When you communicate with a potential client, it is very easy to get carried away, nervous and try to "push" the sale through conversations and "inspirational" speeches. Customers this is very annoying.

How to fix the error: Determine the sales process for myself as a passive activity that consists mostly of listening, reflection and reaction to what he says and does by the client.

  1. Spending time on dead-end opportunities
    With all these answering machines, secretaries and problems in the economy it sometimes seems a miracle that you managed to join in the conversation with a live person — a real client. When this happens, the ability to achieve the deal may seem so tempting that you will not want to spoil his dream, asking the tough questions, which can show the fallacy of your hopes.

How to fix: In the first five minutes of the first conversation with a potential client, ask questions from which it will be clear whether the customer's real need and its satisfaction.

  1. Insufficient attention to the subsequent communication
    Sad truth: for buyers, the people who sell them things, guilty until proven otherwise. To build relationships with the client — this means gradually build trust which will help to overcome the natural antipathy most people to sellers. Because of this, you will not get away with your inability to fulfill the promises. Stumble once and you're likely out of the game.

How to fix: run your list of current objectives and planning specific activities with religious fervor. Let's just such promises that you will be able to perform with 100% certainty.

  1. "Closing" is perceived as the end of the process
    Many companies and people perceive the closing the end of the sales process. It is extremely far from the truth. The real work happens after the deal is closed: after all, that's when you begin to build relationships that will eventually bring you further sales and recommendations, which was much easier and profitable than finding new customers.

How to fix: Always focus on long-term relationships, not short-term profits. Then "closing" is the beginning, not the end of the process.

  1. Request for recommendation goes too early
    Some training programs suggest to the sellers to ask: "do you Know anyone else who may need our product?", even if the person says that he himself is not interested. Other programs suggest asking a question as soon as you close the first transaction with the client. Both approaches are naive, because the customer, if he in his right mind is going to stake their reputation by recommending someone whose ability to achieve results it is not yet known.

How to fix: Ask for recommendations only after the customer has demonstrated that it is happy with your goods or services.

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