||| Life as a trip #18 || New temporary apartment in z downtown of Kiev

in #life7 years ago

Life as a trip

World loves me. And this is amazing. I have special quivering and delicate relationship with the world. And I want to be grateful to the world (life) for this love and care. I really want to be worth for this care.

I want to realize this potential, that I have. I want to understand what exactly I might to give to this world. And I must to do it!

I appear this life as different waves, also like some moves in reality, trajectories of flight of life’s scenario.

This morning I had another, different structure. I lived out of city in a small town, in a strangers house as a volunteer. Lot of people, activity, some uncomfortable stuff, tensions and concentration– totally another energy far from Kiev city.

And now I have my own space( actually here is two-floor apartment) – for a few months. Those abrupt change are usual for me. And it’s always go with nice feelings.

I haven’t eat anything from morning yet – and it make me feel so unearthly flying away somewhere into skies.
The church is near

The amazing Catholic church is now next to me in 8 minutes of walk. This morning, incredibly, but some of the restrictions in my life were lifted away.

Freedom is unusual. The new housing and freedom is again a revolution of everything. I'm already used to my "walls," limitations. And then – in some understanding it’s freedom.

I haven’t my own home since October 2017. October, November, December – exactly 3 months I was sharing a «roof» with someone. Actually that was 6of October when I moved to a hostel and now its 6 of January and here I am.
All these concurrences make me believe more and more that we live in a kinda scenario, that reality have lot of layers Or it can be symbolism, communication between human and the world.


It is important now to find the correct coordinates again. Remember about goals. Create yourself a «house», the borders (where they are needed),a structure. Goals, deadlines

Do not allow yourself to soft into conditional comfort. Goals, deadlines, activity. To invent and realize yourself a load. Do not allow yourself to get lost in various new states. Keep my goals n my mind. Follow them. Be calm inside in soul and physically active.

First photo from this book:


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