The little voice in your head

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There's a voice. A whisper. A gentle word. A little guide that nudges you here and pulls you there. You can't control it, and you don't need to. It will always drive you to what you want and what you need.

It's the magnet that creates the galaxy and universe you operate within. It brings you friends in a similar boat to navigate the same sea. It brings things into your awareness to be processed and released. It will take you to travel... or not. It tells you to buy a certain book or watch a certain film. It plays and creates and leads you along the melody of your life story... the track where you wander through the woodlands and towards the sea and back to land.

The world is too loud. And the voice is too quiet. It craves to be heard. It yearns for you to pay attention to it. It stirs and it stirs like a broth that has cooked for hours. Then, then finally it bubbles over and grabs your alertedly and you have a wake up call.

You ask yourself, who am I? What really matters? What do I care about? You dig deep into the depths of your soul and you face it's dark night in that cave where the decades of despair and hopelessness. You stop. You stop trying. You stop caring. You just RELAX into the bleakness and accept that it is there. That it exists. And that you're ok. You're alright.

You're still a good person and you just weren't given a chance. You were never in an arena where you could shine and be you. Society made you into a rigid metal cog that turned and turned. But over time it made you rusty. Your joints seized up. You were never meant to go in circles, grinding away against the other harsh elements who only saw you for your ability to turn, to move the machine forwards.

You were always more than that, but the forces were against you.

But the voice whispers it's lullaby, the voice of love, of hope... it needs you to listen. It knows you're scared and confused and trying to make sense of the unexplainable. But you're doing fine and you're doing your best.

When the time is right, you'll pop. You'll burst. You'll let go of who others thought you should be, and become who you were meant to be.

It takes time and there's no need to rush. You will unfurl at your own pace and your own tempo. The only thing she asks of you is that you keep an open mind and follow the love, follow the light.

At times you will worry. At times a madness may descend on you. Sometimes you'll be outside your body watching like an outsider. Other times you'll be so rooted in the ground you'll be like the trees that surround your future dwelling. It's all part of the process. It's all part of you.

There are so many things in the pipeline, in the coming years of linear time that the current language concepts are utterly insufficient. At times I see visions of the future, so beautiful, so blissful that I feel dizzy and nauseated by the current paradigm I'm in.

For now, there is only now. And she asks you to be gentle to yourself and others.


Very nice article and good read. Thanks for sharing


Nicely written article. You got my attention with the 'flower of life' symbol, but you don't really mention what it is about.

I have explored, been intrigued by flower of life/sacred geometry, for some time now. It's led me on a wonderful journey and it seems more and more are becoming aware of this rich history of how this simple design is the basis for all creation.

Trusting your inner guidance/that voice in your head as directed by life experiences, I have found is definitely the best path.

Thanks for your post,

Hi Lynda - thanks for your comment. Sorry yes I did put that symbol there without any other explanation or link to it.

The day I wrote that article I was seeing it everywhere. My friend had these little flowers of life glowing all around her. I saw them as a kind of hologram around her.

There are so many mysteries in the world I don't understand and probably will never understand. Do you know any websites or resources where I could find out more about it?

Alexc, Sorry I don't get on steemit often and just found your reply to my comment. I have been studying sacred geometry and 'flower of life' for some time now. I did a workshop many years ago with Drunvalo and have been hooked ever since. You can learn more at this link and in a google search there is a lot of info. Drunvalo was an early writer of the current info on this ancient symbol. I hope you find it as fascinating as I do. ~ljl~

This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

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