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RE: I watched the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Centre

in #life8 years ago

Yeah I don't imagine this goes down very well, or is comfortable to most people. But yeah - this is your real, honest true self talking and it's fantastic. IT's arty. It's real. I'd much rather someone told me what they were really thinking that say something politically correct out of fear.

To be fair (and this is an unpopular horrifying opinion too) - I think the US did have it coming. It thinks nothing about bombing Iraq, Syria, Vietnam, insert enemy here. But when it comes to AMERICANS then woah! Their lives are suddenly worth about 1000x the magnitude of an orphan in Afghnistan's. .

It's all lies and propaganda. It may even have been self-administered to justify the illegal wars on terror - and raid Iraq & Afghanistan for their natural resources. You've probably seen the conspiracy theories about how 9/11 was an inside job. It can't easily be proven either way. And even if they could prove it was a conspiracy, would the sheeple listen? Probably not - it doesn't fit their cozy docile worldview that Americans & the US government are the good guys and the rest of the world is it's enemy.

Sorry I'm ranting here. I really liked your post and resonated a lot with your worldview.

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