Anarchist Acapulco AdventuresteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I am an Anarcho-Capitalist. Seeking out freedom, turned my attention to a "fallen place" in Mexico, that I was not even aware of in the beginning of the year: Acapulco. Listening to a Podcast by the CryptoShow, I heard Jeff Berwick - @dollarvigilante - talk about Anarchapulco, a conference, created by him, for Anarchists all over the world. To gather, to share ideas, to "brave the future - and evacuate the state".

The quote that got me was:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― R. Buckminster Fuller (source)


Experiences with Anarchist Acapulqueños

Then I went to the conference - and really loved it.. I found an amazing person in Graeme, and made plans to come back as soon as possible to join the local community of pioneer anarchists - such as @lily-da-vine and @erikaharris.
Now I have been here a little over a week. Even though I have not met the two individuals above, the other people in the community I have met so far are not only super friendly and kind, they are also smart and seem to know a lot about life and (non-violent) communication.

Hanging out with Anarchists is easy. The Non-Aggression Principle is central in interactions - if you feel like doing something, do it; if you don't feel like it, don't. Why would it be any other way?

We played some poker the other night. Just a bunch of guys getting together, agreeing on terms and rules and then sitting down to play. No conflict about the winner. Even though there is no central authority enforcing the rules, the group has agreed voluntarily to honour them. So much more efficient than a state-monopoly. And these people know this! It's little things like this, that I especially appreciate.

The talks I have with the people here are incredibly valuable. I will write more detailed in the near future on Non-Violent Communication, however, I am just getting into it.

Everyday life

Since I have been here, I have not had a problem with the authorities. Admittedly, it has not been long yet, and who knows what will come, but I feel safe here. The neighborhood is outside of the Main Bay (where most of the party-life goes on), and not in the hills (where it gets dangerous, because of narcos). I see the same people every day, when I walk through the streets. I am starting to familiarise more with them, learn their names and some Spanish on the way.

Mi español no es tanto bueno, pero cada día apprendo algo más.

My Spanish is not that great, but everyday I am learning something new

(please correct if you are better than me, and I messed up ;).



I try to keep a primal diet. It's kinda hard here, because just everything is served with tortillas - or some variation. Although, it has been a pleasure to just go off the rails, and venture into unchartered cusine-territory. The feeling you get when you order an item of the menu and have no idea what you are going to get. Mostly, I have not been let down.

For breakfast I usually order Huevos con jamón (eggs with ham) - or better yet con tocino (bacon). It's not expensive either. Today I went HAM - got a liter smoothie, coffee, tostada & a hotdog - and paid $123 pesos (roughly $6 US). Can't beat that.


It's not all rosy. I don't want to withhold the bad from you. Just know, that these are the things that bother me most - otherwise, this place is a paradise.

  1. Flies and mosquitos -- My legs look like the face of a 15y/o.
  2. Gringo-bonus -- Face it, you usually pay more as a gringo.
  3. The heat -- Superhard to keep your concentration going, when you do not have an AC.

That list is not so long. I like it here!


The people you surround yourself with shape who you become. The community here in Acapulco is awesome so far - I think they we can really build something magnificent. It's all about the connection and recognition of value. We really can build a new system, that makes the old one obsolete.
The freedom is vast and the environment is beautiful. The food is good and cheap - so are the general costs of living.

Be who you want to be!


Leave me a comment to connect!


Hab Deinen Link im Chat entdeckt und haha schau an... coole Story :-)
Würd gern mehr Bilder von drot sehen, Hast du noch mehr?
upvote und folge dir :-)

Bilder kommen noch mehr, keine Sorge - bin ja jetzt erstmal eine Zeit hier.

super geil, freu mich echt drauf von solchen Plätzen ein wenig mehr zu erfahren und sehen

Bist du Deutsche ? Verdammt es muss dann wirklich heiß sein für dich. Ich bin Schwede, und wenn es mehr als 20 Grad ist...dann muss ich ins Eis bad.

As a teenager I would constantly complain about Acapulco being a place without a "real movement"; it was all party, night clubs and beaches. It was all very superficial and just a place where you could trash and get trashed... in a way, it kinda still is though.

And now that my hometown is experiencing a revolution with Anarchapulco, and just a getting together of people who want to get out of the system I fell blessed to be an Acapulqueño!

My wife and I own a dental practice here in Acapulco and we're trying to introduce Bitcoin as a means of payment (the learning curve is kinda steep) and also learn about alternative ways to provide affordable overall healthcare to our patients, not just dental care.

If you're planning get-togethers with other free-minded individuals, please let us know if we can be a part of this movement; we're anxious to learn and make new friends.


Oh wow man! That is sooo cool to hear!

Unfortunately, we just left Acapuclo. However, we will be back in a few months for the next conference.

In the meantime, follow @mikeonfire, @erikaharris, @lily-da-vine, @scottermonkey, @jeffberwick, @dollarvigilante and more!

Mi espanol no esta tan bueno, pero cada dia yo aprendo algo neuvo.

ha ha. Love your article and I almost feel rude correcting your Spanish as it was certainly close enough, and that is what counts. I spent almost 2 years in Ecuador and had an Ecuadorian girlfriend for a year and half of that. So I'm pretty fluent.

Like you I'm on the primal diet. Filler food just doesn't jive well with me anymore. Today I bought 3 pieces of fried chicken breast, made a jalapeno, red onion and vinegar salad, and ate in my hotel room. Cost 3 dollars. Not most exciting, but I like to be in control of my diet.

I'm writing you from Lake Atitlan Guatamala by the way.

Also can you believe this. I bought a a whole pound of Macadamia nuts at the market for 4.50 cents! Macadamia Nuts. That's like some 20 - 30 bucks a lb back in the states.

You should know, I'm a perpetual traveler, been living out of a backpack for at least 10 years. I'm a plethora of budget travel knowledge and have a lot to offer the steemit community.

Being new here can be a challenge, and I would be honored to have someone like you, a fellow traveler check out my latest post. "World Travel Report: Ecuador"

I'm sure you'll find it interesting. Thank you in advance- World travel pro

up-voted and following you

Awesome post, @alexanarcho! And thanks for the shout-out. :-) I'm glad your adventure is off to a great start, and I'm excited to have (the best) coffee with you and Graeme later this week!

Uuuhh, you have no idea how much I want some nice coffee. Can't stand the instant brew you get someplaces

Bienvenido a Mexico compadre :) Its nic that a gringo appreciates our country. Welcome

It should say "Mi español no es tan bueno, pero cada día aprendo un poco más"

Ha! Thanks mate ;)

Hi @alexanarcho, resteemed, upvoted and followed.

Very nice place. You should visit the Philippines next :D

Congratulations on your move! This is very cool, and I'm looking forward to your future posts on living a freer life in Acapulco. I'm still tied to the U.S. at the moment, so I applaud your efforts to create a better reality. Sorry about the mosquitoes.

Glad to hear ☺️ if you can make it down to next year's conference, let me know before

Will do! We'll see what the future holds. It would be good to meet up with other anarchos. I feel like I'm on an island here, lol! Surrounded by statists!

sehr cool 😎


aber bist du jetzt echt Milionär, Senpai? o.O

Ja wird so langsam. Dir gehts aber auch nicht schlecht ;)

vielen dank für den resteem <3

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