When do we start flying cars in the city?

in #life6 years ago

Revolutions in the mode of people's movement occur at the junction of the fantasies of developers and new technologies. Internal combustion engines plus a conveyor - and on the planet more than 1.2 billion vehicles drive. Screw engines and the desire to fly - and for a year the planes carry almost 5 billion passengers. Today, business giants - Siemens, Toyota, Airbus and Uber - dream about the market of flying cars. The idea itself is no longer new, but so far neither in Moscow nor in New York no one flew by cars. "HiTech" figured out why this is happening, and soon it will change.

The "heart" of flying cars
To create modern smartphones it was necessary to fit in one small case a large touch screen, memory and "heart" - a powerful energy-efficient processor.

The "heart" of the future flying car is its engine, and electric. This will reduce the noise level, which is critically important in the city. Still, it's unpleasant when helicopters fly outside the window.

Electric motors for aircraft are developed by Siemens. In 2017, a speed record of 340 km / h was set for the prototype Extra 330LE. Together with Airbus Siemens will create hybrid passenger aircraft for short-haul flights.

The electric planes can run between cities or, for example, the airport and the city. But inside the metropolis there is an important requirement for such transport: high maneuverability, including the ability to take off vertically. And this means that the flying car will be multicopters or convertoplanes.

The engines that can raise a vehicle with one or two passengers on board and are quite quiet for the city already exists. Airbus in February 2018 successfully tested the Alpha One, which the company wants to bring to the market of air taxi under the Vahana brand by 2020. The model width of 6.1 meters, a length of 5.6 meters and a height of 2.8 meters weighs 744 kilograms. She carries one passenger. In the future, such an unmanned aircraft will be called by an application on a smartphone.

The future is an air taxi without drivers
Autopilots - mast-hev for a new mode of transport. Three years ago, Ilon Mask said that people in general should be forbidden to drive cars. Flying versions of this especially53491.jpg

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