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RE: Stem Cells And The Antidote For Everything

in #life6 years ago (edited)

The Dirtiest Open Secret In Stem Cell Research Is That Aborted Fetal Embryonic Stem Cells Cause Autism & Cancer.

These two good intelligent people in the video, like most good intelligent people, have no idea about the the depth of pure satanic evil that is slowly devouring the human race.

Embryonic stem cells from abortions is EVIL... it's human sacrifice to demons. Plain and Simple!.
Autism caused by vaccines is also EVIL... a form of demonic possesion called "entitity attachments", in which the Oric Field that offers spiritual protection to a human is lowered by being poisoned by toxins in vaccines, such as mercury, aluminium and aborted baby fetus.
Aluminium is seriously toxic, mercury is seriously toxic.; Mix them together, they become 1000% more toxic. Then for 'good' measure, add aborted baby fetus and inject this devils brew into a perfectly healthy new-born baby, and BINGO.... you have AUTISM!!!

The luciferian satanic agenda of our hidden rulers & political leaders is to make 50% of all children autistic by 2050... to create as much pain and suffering as possible for the demons they worship to feed on.

WAKE-UP PEOPLE!!! They are going to turn humanity into a second class race that is easy to control before they finally exterminate most (99%) of us; Just like they have advertised on the Georgia Guide Stones.

We have to get our heads around the fact that we are dealing with satan worshiping psychopaths, whose only goal in life is the destruction of the human race.
They will ultimately replace humanity with a new race of 3-stranded DNA beings that are not entirely human.

Don't think you are safe bcause you are an adult, or you don't have any children. Mayor Food companies like Pepsico are now adding aborted baby fetus to their ingredients, plus the aluminium in the chemtrails in the air we are breathing, plus the 5g cellphone tower & WiFi radiation we are constantly bathed in, plus the genetiacally modified 'food' we are all eating; It is no exaggeration to say "We are all pretty much screwed!"

All the above facts is public information. Instead of calling me a kook, please be intellectually honest and do your own research before it is too late.
The human race is in a lot of trouble. We are all in a lot of trouble!!!

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