How to Get things Done

in #life8 years ago

There are loads of ways and methods how to get things done. Unfortunately, those methods don't always work, and even if they do the usually are a temporarily solution. In this article a new approach will be discussed which is more difficult to implement in life, because it requires psychological work, but in the end it's more effective and long-lasting. In order to have some things to be done we usually have to set a goal.

How do we set a goal?

Usually we think that there are three concepts that take part in setting our goals. These concepts are

What do these concepts mean?

Well, when we want something or to do something, we have a desire to possess or do something. So, this has to do with our feelings.

When we need something it means that we require something or to do something because it is essential or very important for us or for the situation.

And finally when we have to to do something means we have no other choice but to do it.

This is how we usually see why we do or don’t do something. We think we’re driven by concepts of wanting something, needing, or having to do something. But when we look closer, is it really true that these things define the way we act in?

Of course, there are situations when you do things when you want/need/have to do them. But are you not doing things that you really want to do at least sometimes? And I believe that if honestly, there could be at least some way in the world how to do all those things you want. I presume you are doing almost everything you need to do, but could you technically not do those things? Maybe you’re doing everything you have to do, but still, purely theoretically, could you not do those things you sort of have to? I believe the answer is yes. So, we can see, that all things we do are things we do by choice, not anything else. There is just one BUT.

BUT every choice is followed by consequences, and these consequences are the ones that we take into consideration when making a choice. Somebody choses to accept the consequences and acts accordingly, others chose to avoid the consequences and choose to act differently.

Nevertheless, it’s all our choice.

In such a way we set our goals, but not always are doing right away everything we have to in order to achieve our goals. There are three things that stand between us and our goals:

Laziness - the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy

Procrastination - the action of delaying or postponing something

Motivation - the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way

So, whenever we are about to do something one of these things could stop us, or so we think. It could be just a lazy day when we are not willing to do anything and choose rather to remain idle. We could invent and generate various excuses why we could not do this right now in such a way procrastinating. Or we could sit down doing nothing waiting to find some reason for us to do something which we call motivation.

In truth, we always make a choice and do those things that are important to us. The tricky part is that we often mix up what are those things that are important to us and what are those that are not. We think that those things we think about are important to us even if there are no results. The truth is that we should look at the results, not at the reasons why we didn’t do it.

It’s useless to consider the reasons, it is important consider the results.

So, we usually think that for us important things are the things we keep thinking about, but have many reasons why we don’t do them. And often the things we do are considered as unimportant for us. Some of you will be surprised to find out that if you, for example, are alone and do not have a decent relationship – this is the thing that is truly important to you right now, even if you think that what matters to you is getting married and so on.

We can illustrate this idea.

When things are really important to us, we actually do something to get those things, thus we take some actions and see results. When we only think about things being important to us, but there are no actions and results, no matter what we think and what excuses we have, these things are actually unimportant, there is something else more important to us, otherwise we would find a way how to do those things.

Now we see that no matter what we want, need, or have to, we always make our own choices what to do. We do things that are important to us, and we don’t do things that are not important to us. When we think that things are important to us, but they actually are not, we come up with excuses, and those include laziness, procrastination and lack of motivation.

Now, just think how easy it is to change the situation. Just think what if

What there is it’s CHOICE! So, stop making excuses and stop worrying. Just relax and make your choices. Here is a list of things you should do and shouldn’t in order to start getting things done:


· Be honest with yourself – admit which things are important to you and which are not

· Define your priorities and make your decisions

· Accept yourself the way you are, but try to acquire new knowledge, to improve yourself

· Make a promise to sb what you will do, it should be short-term action. Keeping promises helps getting things done

· Surround yourself with people who encourage you to do things that are important to you


· Stop dealing with procrastination – it doesn’t exist

· Stop fighting laziness – it doesn’t exist either

· Stop looking for motivation – we use it only as an excuse in order to do nothing

· Stop trying to change yourself

· Stop communicating with wrong people – the ones who encourage you to do things that are not important for you

Wish you luck, and don’t forget to share your tips on how to get things done!

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