Yo, stop being a fucking cliche and stop living your stereotype

in #life8 years ago

During my mid-twenties, you could say that I was the bad boy with a heart of gold.

No, really. I was. And I take pride in this.

I partied a lot back then. I would go out for up to three nights a week.

I was single and I loved it then. 

Yes, you could easily catch me in the club, drinking a lot, getting drunk sometimes and flirting with multiple girls.

Thus, one could easily judge me for being an asshole whose life revolved around partying, getting wasted and flirting around only.

But that was not me.

My conscience was extremely clear.

I may have been the hardcore party goer then, but:

I was always respectful to people I meet. I was never rude to the service staff at any given club.

I'd drink a lot and get drunk, but I still could behave myself. I didn't start fights, puke all over the place or simply pass out on the streets.

I was upfront and honest with every girl I met then. Yes, I'd reveal my intentions early on. I'd tell them how I was not looking for anything serious and that we could just stay friends if they were looking for more. 

The above may sound obvious enough, but not many are honest today. Many guys and girls alike lie and deceive the other party just to gain something (mostly sex) and then disappear once they're done.

Oh and when I wasn't partying, I lived my life as a passionate, hardworking chap. I've always been a Bboy who practices hard, read books, wrote stories, spent time with my mom, exercised and earned my own means.

If I chose to live my stereotype, I'd be the cliched party goer who was always ONLY drunk, hungover or relying on his rich dad's money to win friends over.

I literally saw guys who lived like this before. It's both unbelievable and true at the same time.

But nah. I had the heart of gold man. And I had the time of my life back then.

I think that society and the media today has instilled false beliefs into us, making us subconsciously buy into the idea that we should live our stereotypes; become a cliche.

Why? Because we think it's safe, and enough.

We think that by living and indulging in one type of lifestyle only, we can survive and be happy.

But fuck 'safe', and fuck 'enough.'

Grab life by the balls. Aim for the best of both worlds. 

And do whatever the hell you want.

Are you a 'nerd' who's really good at playing World Of Warcraft? That doesn't mean you need to look like a nerd or have crap social skills. Go work out and build a solid body. Go out and learn how to talk to people.

Are you a hot girl, blonde hair, blue eyes? That doesn't mean you've to be stupid and only rely on your looks to get things in life. Go work for it.

Are you somebody who's body is entirely filled with tattoos? That doesn't mean you're in a gang or some shit. 

Are you a black guy? That doesn't mean you hate the cops. Watch this.

Are you a writer on Steemit who's already making a ton of money? That shouldn't stop you from writing the next damn best fiction novel in the world about wizards and stuff!

Are you... oh whatever.

You can be whatever the fuck it is you want to be.

So stop caring about what others think. Don't settle.

Go for what you want. Live the version of yourself you're meant to be.

And it honestly doesn't have to be that hard. Just be honest with yourself and those around you. And keep working hard for what you want.

You don't want to grow old, look back and start thinking, "I could have been more than that" and realized your entire life was dictated by somebody else.




Do whatever you want because at the end you only have your memories, people won't even remember you how you wish to be remembered, people may not even remember you at all. For all we know we only live once as humans, let us not waste it by letting fear drive us.

Nicely said....

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