Truly Humbled By The Graciousness Of Strangers: When My Dog Attacked Another Dog

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So just yesterday, when I was walking Rocky, he bit another dog which was like five times smaller than him. Ignore that smug look of his here, he was truly a bitch.

It was my fault of course. It was totally my bad. I was tired from working an event the night before for over 12 hours and when I got up for his walk, I wasn't very alert.

I didn't hold on to his leash tightly enough and he just ran away and went straight for the other dog.

I chased after him.

But alas, by the time I got there, Rocky bit and grabbed hold on the top of the other dog's neck.

The cries of pain from the other dog were deafening.

I had to use both hands to pry Rocky's jaws apart.

All the while, the other dog's walker, the house maid of a residence here was also screaming somewhat.

I said sorry. The maid called for her employers. I said I'd wait.

In a few minutes, the owners came down and ran over, a french couple. The wife was so scared and worried.

I apologized profusely.

I thought I was totally fucked.

They inspected their dog's injury, which turned out to be a superficial wound. The owners gave a sigh of relife.

I continued to apologize and said I'd like to pay for any medical fees required.

And they were like... "Nah it's okay. Dogs are dogs you know?"

Then the husband proceeded to walk over and pat Rocky, telling him that it was okay.

He proceeded to talk to me and told me to be more careful, as there are kids in the condo estate.

Then they went off.

I was absolutely stunned by how cool and gracious he was.

If it was any other given couple, who knows what could have happened?

I've heard stories of other dog owners asking for compensation on top of raining hell on others.

Oh and the other smaller dog? It was wagging its tail and smiling away as if nothing happened, which made me wonder how the fuck do dogs think!

Life is truly unfair and that is why some people go beyond to be good people.

All too often when we say, "Life isn't fair", it's about how shitty it is as shit happens to you even though you're minding your own business or trying to be nice.

But conversely, on the flip side, good shit can happen to you even though you didn't do anything to deserve it or in my case, fuck up and ruin someone's day completely.

These good people are out there, so please, don't give up on having faith.

And pass it on.

I know, sometimes you just want to take it out on the world and fill your cup with some self-satisfying vengeance. 

But... just try your best to do good and pass it on.

Everybody's already had their share of bad days.

I hope this little story has inspired you.

Excuse while I go watch some Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan now.


a warm story..thanks!

I can't imagine the fight between the two dogs.. Smiling. It's quite will be much interesting to watch it out bt if it's me, I will really be afraid to watch the two dogs trying to fight

it was mostly my dog owning the other dog. scary shit.

They acted pretty cool and how it should be in the first place, something like this happens it, just can happen you know, shit happens.

When having a situation similar like yours the other owner, grabbed my dog in a really bad way. It was a woman so I told her, try that again and I'm sure I will beat the shit out of you. Then she started to act all cool with her umbrella, trying to attack me or something. I said hit me, please hit me and I will do as I told you, you won't find it pretty. Then she backed away and just walked off, awkward situation really. I'm happy nothing happened, cuz I know I would be in prison the next day I think. At least not had something good out of it. I was eager, waiting for a reason to turn a fist to a fat ugly bucked teeths bitch her face.

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